
Wednesday 20 January 2021


I had a dream of a floor steamer, a PROlectrix floor steamer.  After that I saw a small white car in the car park and it was parked on its side, it is always strange when a car is parked differently to the way that it should be.  The little white car had a large sign in the window. 


In dream interpretation, operating a steamer indicates success in your undertakings. A wish will come true and or an obstacle will be overcome. 

A parked car doesn't usually have any significance, other aspects of the dream have to be correlated. 

The fact that there was a sign in the car does have significance. All signs seen in dreams have significance. A sign can indicate that an important opportunity is coming, an opportunity to make an important change related to the sign. So be sure to take notice of the signs that are shown to you. 

I bought my floor steamer for £4 at the charity shop before the most recent lockdown. The numeric of four again. 

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