
Thursday 21 January 2021


This is an interesting video on the story of a prophecy given in 1983 about Donald John Trump. The name of the man that delivered the prophecy Tom Zimmer. 

I also received prophecy about President Trump on the 3rd of September, 2019. In the dream China was trying to kill us all and President Trump came out roaring from a turbine to protect and defend us. Has we know it was Trump that won the 2020 election in a landslide defeating Beijing Biden. Stand in integrity America or don't stand at all. Come clean America or don't come at all, the world is watching. 

In March 2020, I was given another dream and prophecy related to the Trump family, Melania and I were chatting about the virus and how Ivanka was in self-isolation. President Trump was listening to everything that Melania and I were chatting about. Then in October 2020, it was in the news that Ivanka was self-isolating due to the virus. 

All the information that I received about President Trump and his family is logged on this blog. 


  1. My understanding is, FEMA and the military are in control of the government right now.
    The inauguration was pre recorded and videos of him in the Oval off are being filmed on a TV like set.
    Its a sham.
    The military, all 60,000, have NOT left DC.
    Pelosi wants Trump charged as an accessory to murder for the Jan 6th riots.
    They are in the senate trying to strip him of his SS security detail, that every ex president is entitled to.
    She needs to go to HELL.

  2. Trump employed his own bodyguards anyway. Has far as the trial is concerned. A lawyer has said it is unconstitutional. Justice Roberts has also said that he will not have anything to do with it.
