
Thursday 17 December 2020


Last night I prayed for a man with cancer and this morning has I was opening my eyes I heard the message "OXIDATIVE STRESS". Jesus gives divine guidance. 

Dr Eric Berg mentions vegetable oils in his video, I don't cook with what is known as trans-fats, I cook with olive oil, butter, coconut oil and palm oil. Coconut oil and palm oil are also anti-cancer due to the toctrienol in the oils. 

He also mentions ionising radiation. This is a link from WHO.

Radiation from the environment.

Radiation from diagnostic machines and protective measures.

I haven't used a microwave oven for twenty years and I don't carry a mobile phone or any other technology device around with me. I only have a mobile phone for emergencies if and when I don't have access to a computer and that is rare.  I stand against Smart meters due to the known harm that they can do, I stand against 5g due to the harm that it can do to the environment, wildlife and ourselves. 

Technological advancements are not always healthy for humanity. Hence, it is really important that people do their own research on the science. Remember this that there is no Wifi in Israeli schools and Russia are also on it with other countries taking the impact on children very seriously indeed. If you really care about your children don't gift them with technological devices. 

I don't have flu jabs and I won't be taking any Covid vaccine due to it changing our DNA. I do take supplements including Vitamin E and boost my immune system with appropriate foods for my ageing body. I do take in the sunshine for Vit D and take it has a supplement. In the UK, 2.5 million people are going to be offered Vit D supplements in 2021, provided on prescription. Do check what dosage is being offered has I have now increased my Vit D to 6,000 IU per day. 

I don't take a Zinc supplement (has Dr Berg recommends ) due to 25mg taken for two days caused neurological breast pains. After not taking it for two days, those pains stopped. Clearly, I receive enough Zinc in my food. You have to be careful with Zinc because too much in the body can disrupt the Copper in the body and that can disrupt the natural functioning of the body has it did with me. I wasn't the only person that experienced a detrimental impact when trying a Zinc supplement after the China virus spread. 

Take note of any changes that your body experiences after taking supplements and the food that you ingest. If you have a serious, chronic or terminal health condition it is a good idea to keep a food journal and track your progress. You have to focus on your health condition 100% and stay 100% positive that you will overcome. Cancer can be beaten and has been by many people. Stay focussed on it and I will continue to pray. 

Has far as the sunshine is concerned I have found it to be beneficial for a skin condition. At least 2 hours everyday in the Australian sunshine healed 98% of it while I was living in that country for one year. 

Hence, in the summer months I do my utmost to enjoy has much of it has I can. I do have mutated genetics from cuts in childhood and a genetic inheritance that created a susceptibility to the skin condition. 

I believe that pre-cancerous cells was triggered after an American metal device, a Copper 7 from Searle was put into my cervix by the family planning clinic because it was soon after insertion that I began receiving abnormal smear tests. 

In my 20s, I then had to receive laser surgery for 18 months at the Middlesex Hospital in London. I then received the all clear. However,  six months after my son was born operative procedure was carried out in an emergency in the location in which I live. The Searle device has since been banned in America due to it being proven to cause cancer, although the last time that I looked it was still being sold to third world countries for contraception.  

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