
Thursday 17 December 2020


We are still in the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE energies and it is interesting that it arrived during the Hanukah holiday timeline. Hanukah lasts until the 18th of December and that is the"Day of Grand Design", has in, perfectly arranged. 

Donna Page shares with us about the eclipse energies that our planet has been experiencing. Interesting that she mentions "Overcoming Fear", has on Wednesday I gave a book to a person on that subject matter, "Healing Fear". I shared with the young receiver that I consider him to be in the "affirming recovery" phase. I've been reducing the size of my library, has a lot of books in my library have been for students and clients to read has and when required. 

My total solar eclipse has included deciding what to keep and what to give away. Some home decorating too, the Lotus Feet healing room is now completed and I am very pleased with it. 

I bought a second hand computer to replace my previous computer, so back on-line. Interesting that it was shown to me just prior to the eclipse and we picked it up on Sunday on the 13th. The day prior to it. It really was meant to be to for yours truly and I'm pleased to be back on-line. 

I usually receive dreams around eclipse time but these eclipses have been particularly powerful in dream state for yours truly. I shall write the information up tomorrow. 

Sagittarius is the sign of the traveller, so where are you planning to travel too this week? I'm hoping to visit a friend at the beach on the 18th, to deliver presents. A Sagittarius friend is going away for a few days for a winter break and another friend is taking a holiday abroad. People are on the move with their plans this week. 

I have a Sagittarius rising sign and we don't like standing still for long in our lives, we prefer to be on the move. Although it is the quality of the moves that you make that determine the outcome. It is your honesty, truthfulness and integrity that keeps you on track standing upright. 

Only the truth can stand in the face of those that have created the "Grievous Harm" that Jesus spoke of in regard to the American election. We can say that what has happened in America is one of the signs that was anticipated for the last days in biblical prophecy.

Although more and more countries are standing against China, most recently, Malaysia has kicked China and it's investment in a multi-billion project out of Malaysia. The Malaysian government is aware of the threat that China poses. Has does President Trump and his team, they are fully aware.  

Has I understand it Chinese companies have also been kicked out of America too. I've heard that some Chinese people have also fled willingly and we know that some have been arrested.  The heat is certainly on and patriots are fired up about what has been happening in our countries. 

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