
Wednesday 18 November 2020

Stand By Me


My adult son smiled a great big smile when I shared that I hope to get a Lagotto in 2021. Straight away he looked at a photograph of the breed on line. He was born in the year of the dog, so of course he would love dogs. We had a lovely Old English Sheepdog when he was a baby, they did love each other. We got her from a rescue home, she had the most beautiful nature, so gentle, when he was climbing all over her and riding on her back. 

My son did think about a career with animals in his teenage years, but he felt that the qualifications took too many years, four years to become a vet is longer than for a doctor.  Of course, he could have chosen to take the alternative medicine/therapy route to healing animals if he had chosen that career. The resources and specialists in the field were available to him. He did go has far has starting his Reiki training so that was a start on the healing path at age 14. 

A dog is a great companion, although I'm really interested in doing therapy with a Lagotto. Of course, they are also great truffle hunters and the truffles are worth more than gold. Mushrooms are also great for an amino acid and Jesus has been talking about amino acids, mitochondria and RNA. He gave that message after I had prayed for a man with cancer and a different man with R.A.  

After the message was received, notification was given that an amino acid had been found on planet Venus, an amino acid that is essential for life. Glycine. Apparently, our bodies don't make amino acids, we have to get the amino acids that are essential for life from our food. 

Scientists say that dogs also have an amino acid deficiency, so I have asked an holistic vet how many mushrooms would be appropriate for a dog to eat every week. He might also look at other amino acids that can be found in food that dogs can eat. Hopefully he will get back to us soon. Puppies brains are fully developed by the age of 7 weeks and puppies usually go to their owners at 8 weeks. 

This links says that dogs can be given store button mushrooms preferably organic and it is important to cook them in butter and serve them with an egg. I would also give a dog cooked pearly barley has the ancient Romans fed their dogs pearl barley and bread. Mushrooms and pearl barley is anti-cancer food, so is coconut oil. So you could cook the mushrooms for your dog in coconut oil, dogs love coconut oil, they lick off of my fingers. 

This link shares what mushrooms can be eaten by dogs, and which ones can't. Of course, dogs can also have truffles (mushrooms) although they are more expensive than gold unless your dog can hunt for truffles. I think I would give my dog mushrooms with pearl barley once a week. You don't have to have much pearl barley, a few spoonfuls cooked. 

Amino Acids 

RNA and Amino Acid Foods 

Remember this the dog licked it! 

Dogs save lives, medical detection dogs. 

The 18th of November is the "Day of Temperament", and Lagotto's have a lovely temperament. 

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