
Wednesday 18 November 2020


These paintings from the night of 11.11.2020. Interesting numeric adding up to 8 the numeric of spiritual transformation. I spread the lime green energy because it was seen by my right hand that week. 

I've had some computer downtime for a week, although I'm back now. 

I shall call this painting, LIME. 


I felt compelled to work with the yellow, orange and red, so we have this burst of sunshine energy too. I've increased my Vit D to 4,000 IU's, taking Glucosamine Sulphate 1,000mg and all the Vit B's. I'm feeling better than I was a couple of weeks ago. I've had a couple of treatments with my Chiropractor and third treatment next week. Back on the inversion table and in the sauna/steamer. 

D for Donald he does like his sunshine energy. I can see the head of a bird in this painting. Orange Eagle, although some might relate it to the golden eagle. 


Donald has a great investigator on his legal team, Sidney Powell. The 14th of November was the "Day of Investigator" planetary wise and there has certainly been some great investigations since I've been off-line the last week. Sidney Powell is most impressive, she says that Trump won the election in a landslide. 

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