
Friday 2 October 2020


The message that I received on the 1st October Aries Full Moon is "STATE OF FLUX". Aries is ruled by Mars and in numerics it is the "Day of Top Dog". 

Some people feel under pressure due to their life circumstances and has I explained to a 29 year old this evening, pressure is different to stress. Has explained previously on this blog attitude is crucial in this timeline because "attitude determines altitude". The numeric of 29 is also grace under pressure, has he moves into a new year on his birthday, the energy should change for him. 

After that he will be in a three year and that is great for wisdom and learning from experience at that age. People in that age group have also been going through their first Saturn Return and that can be a tough journey. If I had my time again, I wouldn't get pregnant or give birth during the first Saturn Return. 

In another vein of thought about the state of flux, doctors know that the way that people respond to diagnosis in the first 100 days can determine the outcome of cancer treatments. Once again, attitude is involved in the success of the treatment. 

We can't say that politicians have been clear on the crisis that the people have been subjected too. In fact, in the UK, Boris is being told that the "Unlawful law cannot be enforced". I've known since the beginning that the British government have been in contravention of international law. 

My advice, hold steady, be has steady has a rock, solid has a rock. 

For the healers we have to stay on track, and I have to continue to harvest the Lemongrass that I've grown from seed. 

Some more information on Lemongrass. It grows like a reed and you have to be careful while washing it has it can cut your fingers prior to being cooked. This video includes 13 health benefits. 

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