
Thursday 1 October 2020


The message that I received when I woke up on Wednesday morning was SHIRTS!. So I did buy a shirt, I also bought a hat for a £1 that matched a jacket. Another jacket from a charity shop although I had not intended to buy anymore clothes due to having enough. I do like white cotton shirts with tailored jackets and I also like shoulder padded jackets over a shirt. Classic clothes have always suited me the best since a child, and classic styles don't date. 

What I've noticed is a lot more male commentators are wearing shirts and ties and they're certainly looking a lot more serious than they were previously. However, the NT mentions the shirts "Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one that has none, and anyone that has food should do the same". Luke 3:11. 

I'm often giving my clothes and food to others. It is natural for yours truly to give, although I have always appreciated quality being more important than quantity. 

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