
Wednesday 30 September 2020


With 18 million people waiting for medical treatment in the UK due to the lockdown, it certainly feels like being in a storm for the many. I was told today that my referrals were put on hold in February 2020, due to the lockdown. Hence that probably applies to most people with a medical condition. 

I've been waiting for further imaging of my neck due to a spur since 2019, before we can move forward with appropriate treatment. 

Boris Johnson certainly hasn't won any praise for implementing "law that is unlawful", today he was called out in parliament by the Speaker of the House. The Speaker of the House is praised for doing so. 


So what's happening planetary wise? 1st of October is the Full Moon in Aries, with the Sun in Libra. On the 2nd of October Venus moves into Virgo until the 27th of October, 2020. On the 4th Pluto turns direct in Capricorn. 

I keep on seeing a golden colour on my keyboard, like golden stardust close to my right hand. 

Christ consciousness. 

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