
Tuesday 29 September 2020

George Michael Not Happy With Boris Johnson

On the morning of the 26th of September, 2020 I was in dream state with George Michael walking in nature. We were walking in beautiful gardens like the Rose gardens in Regents Park. We were making each other laugh. Then he became serious and began to talk about the lockdowns and restrictions and he wasn't happy with Boris Johnson and the government. The 26th was an interesting day to have that dream because the gematria of 26 is the gematria of the name of God. 

The 26th of September is also the "Day of Patient Practice". 

Later that day I visited a Children's Charity warehouse and bought a limited edition plate called "Meadows and Wheatfield's".  The Wedgewood plate is a first edition designed by Colin Newman from East Anglia, Colin Newman's Country Panorama. 

I also bought two green scarves has they made me think of George and the dream. Then I had a few days off-line because my computer had to have a new hard drive. It was also Yom Kippur on Sunday and Monday, so some days of rest were bestowed. 

On the 27th of September I then had another dream and in the dream I saw dentures that were broken. During the lockdown a lot of people have not been able to get an appointment with the dentist, although teeth in dream interpretation do have meaning. 

It is not only dental treatment either, 18 million people in the UK are waiting for medical treatment. You can understand why George Michael isn't happy with Boris and his government. 

The 27th of September was the "Day of Ambiguous Hero". 

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