
Thursday 17 September 2020



This weekend is Jewish New Year, 5781. Interesting that the gematria of it includes window and I had a dream about a window this New Moon. After the dream I received a telephone call to say that I have new windows being installed in November. 

Number 8 Dream


The numbers of 5781 add up to 21 and in the tarot that is the world card. 2+1 compounds to three and that is the numeric of wisdom. I'm in a three year in my life cycle until February 2021. 

Windows are interesting in terms of the eyes being the windows of the soul, and there is also the term windows of opportunity that are often found in the middle of difficulties. So for instance when I am investigating a health case study I often find things that others haven't noticed or thought about. I always find something that can assist the client to improve their health. Sometimes you have to look beyond the obvious and go far deeper. There are many new scientific discoveries that the people don't get to hear about until you start investigating a health case, then it is fascinating what you can find. 

Of course it is also great to be able to remote view that I call remote scanning for health reasons, and it is wonderful to be divinely guided with every health case I am invited to look into. We've received some amazing divine guidance to help people with their health journey. 

So what will I be doing once the New Jewish Year has begun, writing up my new strategic health protocols for the health conditions that I have investigated. People have started asking me to write it up and write a book about it. Although there is a lot of health information already posted on this blog. 

Health and nutrition is certainly continuing in my life for now, my main focus. Probably due to the fact that patients are receiving very little help from the medical profession, some are even being told that they won't get to see a medical consultant until 2022 in the UK. 

5781 is also HIPPO in gematria, and that reminds yours truly of Hippocrates and food being natural medicine. With nutrition there isn't one size fits all, each individual case is different, so for instance it is often the case the women require something different to the men. Plus different health conditions require different nutrients and so do the different systems in the body. 

Every case is individual and unique although you do find some similarities in different health cases. Lifestyle can also be a crucial element in the co-creation of health conditions. We also know that pharmaceuticals deplete Vitamin D and other nutrients in the body, so much has to be taken into account when you are looking at a health case. 

Elimination of toxicity from the body is where we do begin, detoxing is very important to making health breakthroughs. Of course the quality rather than quantity is also essential for the best of health. This week I had some homemade celery and asparagus soup, great for the endocrine system. Garlic mushrooms have also been on the menu this week, another food that is great for detoxing. Jewish people do like great food and I always used to say to my visitors, "Have you eaten?", "What have you had to eat today?'. Then I would offer my guests something to eat. 

The Jewish prophets knew that my door would be open night and day, and that I would be cooking and serving at all hours of the day and night. Wisdom more precious than rubies. The proverbs include many prophecies hidden in the texts. When you've lived it you recognise it in the texts. It is an alchemical manuscript that has to be viewed with spiritual eyes that provide the magnifying glass to see what others gloss over. 

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