
Thursday 27 August 2020


Yesterday morning I received another dream and I was travelling with a spiritual friend from Australia and we were going to see a man in England. A soul journey dream.

When we arrived a woman opened the door and the veteran wasn't there. Nothing can hold him back, action man is focussed.

She then asked yours truly to do a reading for her and after the reading she then said, "Now let me do a reading for you".

I often receive dreams prior to new and full moons and there is a full moon coming in. The next full moon will be in dreamy, sensitive, creative Pisces, a water sign. In America it is on the 1st of September and it is on the "Day of no nonsense". In the UK, it will be on the 2nd of September.

The numeric of two is relevant has two people were travelling together on the soul journey at this phase of the timeline. Both spiritual people focussed on a man's health. Venus is also shifting a couple of degrees and that can speed things up in love, friendships and relationships.

There were three people seen in the dream and three is the numeric of divine wisdom and that can relate to the work that we are engaged in during this timeline. Wisdom more precious than rubies. Proverbs 31. I'm also in a three year of my life cycle.

The fact that the woman asked yours truly for a reading, does indicate that she is interested in her own future and what will happen to her and her life.

To dream of reading is generally favourable signifying progress is being made. It can also indicate help from outside sources and a spiritual friend from Australia was with me. To hear someone else read speaks of future comfort and peace of mind.

The woman in the dream desired divine guidance and desired to give information to a professional. I sensed that she felt competitive with the professional.  When in fact nothing can compare with wisdom more precious than rubies. Spiritual elders are not competitive, we've already run the race in our younger years prior to becoming an elder.

It is certainly feel like a testing time for the younger generations that have a requirement for clarity about their future. Hence, it is a good time for the professional spiritual elders that can provide the guidance that they seek.

In September there is also a planetary grand trine of energies for new solutions and it can be helpful for health. It is also ELUL in the Jewish calendar at this time and this can indicate a time when God removes his people from a place or location where harm is being done to them e.g reminiscent of the Exodus.

The day of the dream was the 26th of August, and that is the "Day of Support". so who is giving you support at this time with your life circumstances that you find yourselves in? It was a lovely friends birthday yesterday. She is a qualified healer and spiritual elder.

This in coming full moon in Pisces is also in my third house, so the numeric of three is very significant to yours truly at this time.  It is interesting that at this time I am enjoying the sauna/steamer again in the peacefulness of my Lotus room on the south eastern side of our country, lovely for helping my physical body. Watery steam with healing oils is great for your health.

In February, 2021, I move into a four year in my life cycle and that can be a metaphysical year and unconventional. Although Aquarians tend to be unconventional anyway and we can frequently shock people with our actions and speech unintentionally. Never underestimate an Aquarian and their talents and communication skills.

In October, the Libra man that a friend and I went to see will be shifting energies into a 9 year of divine love and completion, a culmination. He's currently in a year of spiritual transformation.

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