
Thursday 27 August 2020


The Full Moon in Pisces on the 1st of September in America is on the "Day of No Nonsense", so I've given it that title in the month ELUL. In the UK it will be on the 2nd of September and that is the "Day of Egalitarian".

You can go in a pub and sit down have a drink and lunch without a mask, but if you go into a store Boris would like you to wear a mask. It's nonsense. I saw my massage therapist today, all I could hear was a muffle because she was trying to talk to me through her mask.

The full moon in Pisces in America is on the 1st September and that is the "Day of No Nonsense" all the nonsense about Covid has to stop now. As I said to a man the other day in-store, there is no pandemic.

This full moon comes in my 3rd house and I'm also in a three year of wisdom in my life cycle, that is great for my own business and/or career aspects. It's also a great time to have a clear out and clear the decks ready for the new because full moons tend to be about culminations and completions.

Today, I found a young lad that didn't know what was causing the numbness and tingling in his arm, I shared with him that he should see his GP, ask for an x-ray or MRI. My massage therapist also shared that we can ask the hospital for copies of our x-rays so that we can look at them ourselves. That is a great idea.

So it is a great time to have a "No-Nonsense", attitude to life and remember that your attitude and approach to life can make a huge difference to the lives of others.

Pisces can be creative, sensitive very intuitive, they can also be strong minded, although flexible due to the water element. With a full moon in Pisces it can be dramatic and emotional especially for those born in that sun sign. So be aware that there could be some drama with people around you, and there could be a climax to the events of the last month.

Be determined and stand your ground, be faithful to what is in your holistic heart and allow the love to pour out to those that you love and those that are willing to receive it.  As we know, only the truth can set people free, only integrity can withstand what is happening on this planet right now.

Support each other wherever and however you can. Some people have chosen to get left behind, because some people have chosen not to stay on the planet. We have to honour their choice to stay blinkered because they refuse to come into the light for obvious reasons.

Even the biblical prophets knew that some people would simply refuse to step on the path of healing. Some people come up with all sorts of reasons and excuses why they're not interested in changing their world views. Just let them get on with it because they're the ones that will suffer the most when they discover their reality is not the ultimate reality.

Some people think that a Covid vaccination is the solution to everything, when in fact, it isn't a solution to anything. Remember the saying what you resist persists, people have a choice whether to live in the truth of integrity, and whether not to do so. Just don't put up with any of their nonsense. Live your lives the way our Creator intended as natural as indeed is possible in harmony with nature.

Interesting that Molly mentions the story teller and story in that video, she also mentions Virgo and a Virgo friend said to me yesterday, you have to write the book. I have to write up the strategic health protocols first and that information could be put into the book. Most health conditions require different strategic protocols for different systems in the body. There is sometimes also a difference between what a male body requires and what a female body requires.

15 million patients are on a waiting list for medical care from the NHS. It is outrageous what Boris Johnson and minions have co-created.

My massage therapist shared today that her patients have gone backwards health wise due to the lockdown.

With love beyond measure

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