
Thursday 9 July 2020


For the Jewish people today the 9th of July, 2020 is Tisha B'Av and the three weeks of mourning due to the destruction of the temple in ancient times e.g 69CE. However, what G-d showed me was that there were some Jewish priests that were involved in its destruction and were working with the Romans.

Prior to going to Israel in 2007, G-d took me back to the ancient time and it was like being in a film as I was running with the children, helping the women and children to flee the Romans on horseback while the temple was being destroyed. We ran into the forest while the Jewish priests were escaping through an underground tunnel in Jerusalem.

The 9th of July, is the "Day of Wonder" in numerics.

Today, I received an email from Chabad and in the email it mentions the "determination to rebuild" and how in these three weeks it is a period to spend extra time contemplating how the world can be improved by increasing in deeds of goodness and kindness. It talks of the great Rebbe and the importance of giving charity and to keep this verse in your hearts.

"Zion shall be redeemed by law and her returnees by charity". 

The first time the Rebbe appeared before yours truly was in 2007 while I was staying in mystical Safed in Israel. He also spoke to me about my mission and he spoke of how women and children would listen to what I had to share with them. He was very affectionate and was clearly very fond of me. He was also very pleased and happy that it was the second mission to Israel and the first to Safed.

A few days ago, I said to a young man, why should the Lord help you or anyone else unless you are willing to help others charitably?  The young man in question has received a tremendous amount of help and charity and it is our duty to help those that are on their journey in life. Has some children were fortunate to have better parenting than other children. And those that had better parenting can certainly help those young people to be better parents, to be better friends, and to be better neighbours with pure intention and integrity.

To help young people to raise their vibration out of "wants and needs" from childhood memories in their sub-conscious mind fields and to concentrate on what is really essential in life. How to build a home, a sanctuary where peace and harmony can reign with a happy and safe environment for children.

Has far as Zion being redeemed by law, sometimes the legal profession stepped into my life to help yours truly and each time it was essential to do so, legal aid was available in the UK in those days.

Whether it was a personal injury lawyer, or a corporate lawyer, each time we won the case in integrity, we have some great local solicitors. Highly commendable and they always held yours truly in high esteem.

Nearly a decade ago my home was destroyed by the landlord, once I could afford to renovate it and found a charitably worker, the work began. Although I could sue the landlord for what happened to my home and my health due to it.

My lounge has been completely restored in the last month with damage repaired, redecorated, and partly refurnished.

The refurbishment continues as I re-arrange my living arrangements. The kitchen now has to be finished with a cooker hood installed and new tiling around it.

I also hope to move my bedroom into the sunny healing room where I saw the Hebrew symbols appear before me while decorating it. To make my former bedroom the healing room with my healing equipment e.g. Sauna/steamer, inversion table and massage table for Reiki treatment. I can also put my light box and coloured films in there for colour healing too. It is about making maximum room of the space that I have prior to moving on from it.

In 2019 I received a new bathroom, and in 2020 a new white front door that is much more secure.

Has mentioned previously, new life has begun in 2020 with new keys for success. Once my home is completed I can then move on with the next phase of my life and its creation that is meant to be.


This painting is for a beloved friend in London. 
Praying for him every single day. 
Always in my heart. 
Love beyond measure to him and his family. 

This video reminds me of my son, hope to see you soon darling, always in my heart.  He has a legal situation going on too.

Step into my life.

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