
Wednesday 8 July 2020


A former Home Office insider reveals all about the illegal immigration and the scandal of it in the UK. He shares that illegal immigrants have been coming into the UK via every port, every airport and along our shoreline.

He says that the government doesn't care about the staff that work on illegal immigration, the government doesn't care about the people in our country either. For that reason the 48 year old doesn't intend to stay in the UK. He plans to leave the UK prior to turning age 50, he also plans to retire abroad.

During this 31 minute discussion he shares that he's spoken to his counterparts in America, and the "illegal immigrant" situation in America is the same as the UK.

A lot of home truths are shared in this video, home truths that should alarm everyone to the dire immigration circumstances that our people find themselves in. This has been going on for decades.

This man's job was to remove people from our country, but there is nothing to stop those people returning again. He says that 99% of the people that he returned had nothing to offer the UK, they were useless.

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