
Wednesday 1 July 2020


There has been strange happenings in recent days. Yesterday morning on opening my eyes, the message was "67th Street" and there is a 67th Street in NYC.

Then last night a hamsa that I received as a gift from an American-Israeli and her Yemenite-Israeli husband (in 2006) jumped off the top of the library cabinet and one of the thumbs broke off.


During the day there was an American forum closure and then last night after reading a response to a 5g video, I received the message "PATTERN LOADING". That is new terminology for yours truly, and it relates to structural design in construction.

This James Ramsden link explains what pattern loading is.

Now I am going to change the subject to include some songs. Have a cup of coffee and homemade carrot cake. What else is happening today? Saturn Retrograde enters Capricorn today, so it was a great surprise to learn that I will be receiving a lovely tax rebate relating to 2019.

During the summer in 2019, I saw George Michael standing in the garden and I could hear this song.

2019 was a rollercoaster with different people and the circumstances of their lives. Hence, it is a great song to remember if and when you are experiencing any sadness. A lot has changed in the last year in the lives of the people that I was concerned about last summer. 2019 was very intense being a two year of relationship in my life cycle. 2020 is a three year in my life cycle and that is associated with wisdom. Wisdom more precious than rubies.


A picture of a friend keeps on opening up on my computer screen automatically, can't put him out of mind when his picture keeps on looking at me. A very powerful spiritual connection, many past lives together. Healing love, my love, heal. Do everything that you were born to be and do, God's will for you and me. A rare connection, it is rare to receive such love in many different realms.

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