
Thursday 2 July 2020


1st of July, Saturn retrograde in Capricorn and the UK is ruled by Capricorn. At dawn on the 2nd of July I received an airport dream.

I was at the airport and I had so many clothes, shoes and boots that I couldn't take it all on the flight with me. The airport staff were very kind trying their best to help me to sort it all out.

In the dream I was saying that some had to come with me and the airport staff said I'd have to pay extra to ship it. Other stuff I was saying that I would leave that. There was a young millennial mother travelling with me in the dream and she just stood there and didn't offer any help at all to her elder. I knew who the young woman was in the dream as she was a former girlfriend of someone else that I know.

The dream was telling me that the young mother wasn't doing anything to help others and in so doing wasn't doing anything to help herself. We nearly missed the flight home due to her lack of effort to help quickly.

As it happens some of the clothes shown in the dream have already been removed from my home, for example my old boots from the 90s. I've been clearing out cupboards since prior to the lockdown, in fact since 2019.

Basically, the dream showed that we did make the flight with the help from the airport staff.

In dream interpretation, dreaming of a flight on an aeroplane indicates news is coming from a distance. Dreaming of a mother is usually symbolic of love, although if the mother is a parent to someone else it can be a dream of contrary. Whereby, it indicates that you can count on help from friends if and when you need it.

The more clothes you have in a dream can indicate that there are difficulties ahead and it is urgent to prepare ahead of time. Leather is lucky in dream interpretation, and the old leather boots in the dream that I left behind wasn't required anymore. If you follow this blog then you know that I received a dream of buying more new boots, another pair of over the knee boots with a buckle on the boots.

This dream does emphasise the notion of don't help those that didn't help you when you required it. If a person doesn't put in any effort to help others why should you help them and their life? A person has to be willing to help and people have to be willing to accept help.

Life is not a one way street, nor is it a single flight path. Always remember there are other people on the plane and you are all travellers when you are on the same plane. How you depart from a specific location is incredibly important.

Gratitude is really important too and some young people have to learn gratitude and appreciation of others efforts to help them. Some also have to learn what real love is, real love is patient, kind and compassionate, children learn what they live.

Integrity is also essential in the lives of children, truth is a strong foundation on which a house and or relationship can withstand anything with the power of real love.

We were getting on the same flight and there is an airport where the young mother lives. Airports also signify the journey shared when you were travelling together and we were in the departure lounge.

The airport staff were really kind and understanding of the situation and the urgency of it. How important the flight was.

As Saturn is Retrograde in Capricorn I view this dream as revisiting the past actions and deeds of others that led to the situation that they find themselves in now. Young people have to really listen to an elder and what we are saying if they are to gain from our wisdom from life experience.

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