
Sunday 26 July 2020


I had a dream of Indians at dawn this morning. In the dream I was talking to Indians about their different spiritual philosophies and that those spiritual philosophies are not a religion.

The essence of what I was saying was don't let people typecast or label you this or that to put you into a collective.

Be unique to your own soul's journey because it can include different cultures spirituality as you move through different dimensional realities and timelines for different reasons and soul purpose.

I was painting last night at first it was going to be an angel fish then it turned into a dolphin, spirituality can be like that when you go with the flow of it. What you think you are doing can turn into something else before your very eyes.

I refer to this type of dream as a soul journey where you are travelling to talk to others in a different realm while the physical body is resting, the enlightened soul of the healer is still working in other realities.

This is the second soul travelling that I have been shown this week. It is lovely, when you are aware of where you have been travelling too during the night and remember it when your soul returns home to your bedroom and your physical body.

In the previous soul travelling I was gliding around teaching and I asked a dear friend can I give you Reiki now?

Some people call it astral travelling. However, masters know that there is no such thing as the astral.

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