
Wednesday 3 June 2020


When I am feeling low physically, Jesus often says something lovely to yours truly to lift up my Spirit to keep me going.  On Monday, the 1st of June, he said, "You are magnificent".

Biblically, "wisdom is magnificent" Isaiah 28:29

Whatever the action was, whatever the deed, whatever it was that I said, or wrote, he was clearly pleased with it. When he speaks of his gratitude, when he praises you, when he delights in you, when he celebrates you, you know that he really means what he says to you. I know that he has my best interests in his heart.

We have shared a great spiritual journey of happiness and joy, a divine mission and purpose. I know he is always close by. Once united, we have never parted. I don't feel magnificent, magnificence isn't a feeling. Although I always appreciate him for talking to yours truly when and if he thinks it is essential to do so.

Some people embraced big pharma to change nature, whereas I listened to Jesus and embraced nature to improve the change.

I'd really like to be moved to a different place to live, it really is time for a move of location. He knows that too.


So what is happening for the air sun signs at this time? We have a Venus Cazimi.

While showering on Wednesday 3rd of June, he said, "CULTIVATOR".  That message links into his parables.

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