
Wednesday 3 June 2020


While showering today, Jesus said "Cultivator" and that links into his parables. Jesus certainly liked to use agricultural symbology in some of his parables. He clearly knew that the Jewish prophet, Noah, became a farmer, a cultivator, and Jesus was born on the farming land of Jesse.

Shavuot is also the time of the agricultural celebration in Israel and by Jewish people, Jesus the Jew and his agriculture. Jewish people certainly excel in agriculture in Israel, it really is awesome what they have created together with their neighbours.

In his parable of the weeds he spoke about the one that sowed the good seed being the "Son of Man" and the term "Son of Man", was a term used to indicate a prophet. Prophet Daniel was also referred to as "Son of Man" and Prophet Ezekiel was definitely the eco prophet of his day.

In the parable it is written that Jesus explained that the field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. Interesting that he gave this message the day after I sent a Libra friend some good seeds for him to grow into plants that is great for his health. The same day that I gave my Libra neighbour some good seeds to put into the soil also.

Today, on our return from shopping, my Libra neighbour gave me a bottle today and its label says SAINTE. The parable mentions the harvest coming at the end of the age and the harvesters are angels. My view of the end of the age is when we turned into the new millennium 20 years ago for it was prior to that when I delivered the new millennium prophecies at different venues to large audiences in the UK.

Interesting then that where we live was built on farmland, it was built upon a wheat field. His message of the cultivator can be emphasising the timeline. Although cultivating the soil is not just about preparing the soil for the good seeds, it also about tilling the soil to improve the oxygen in the soil. Everything has to be able to breathe with the right amount of oxygen.

So what is happening today planetary wise for us? There is a Venus Cazimi and on the 5th of June there is an eclipse.

Are you ready for an epiphany? There is nothing mundane about enlightenment. You have to relinquish your aspiration to attain it before you can experience it. Only those that have experienced enlightenment know that. 

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