
Thursday 25 June 2020


Pleased that Venus goes direct in Gemini today. Trump and Johnson were both born in Gemini.

Interesting that there is a family conference call today.

However, on the 4/5th of July, there is another big eclipse. Another Lunar Eclipse that will be a big one for America and it is in Capricorn.

A flame is lit, do you know who lit your flame? Biblically, it is the flame of Joseph and Jacob is the fire. Heaven and Earth, did you find the gate of Beauty and did you comprehend it?

He said, "I didn't tell you, you are beautiful". Sometimes people think about what they didn't say when they had the opportunity to say it.

Did it matter if he knows the kindness in your heart? Does it matter if he knows the beauty of your giving heart? Does it matter what he said when right action is so important? Did his actions match yours? The LORD sees beyond appearances.

A healer friend had an interesting dream experience, she reported that Trump had appeared to her in dream state, he gave her a cuddle and said, "Thank You".

Dream state has certainly been intense in 2020. With Venus Direct in Gemini there is bound to be plenty of communications on a romantic level. Remember VENUS is symbolic of the goddess of love and she rules Libra that loves beauty, fairness and justice.


There are times in your life when a person is brought to your door for divine purpose and an important reason. 

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