
Friday 26 June 2020


After praying prior to sleep I was shown a vision of an embroidery in a frame.

There were four lines of letters in script with a message. Four lines is a stanza of poetry or prose and I write poetry sometimes when my heart is compelled to do so. In Italian stanza means "Room".

It can also be called a "Quatrain", and Nostradamus wrote quatrains. Sometimes I find that after I have written poetry hidden within is a prophecy.

In the late 70s and early 80s I was making embroideries as gifts for family to put on the wall. My parents put them up in the hallway and on the stairway.

The thought process at that time was to give something of myself that I had made myself with love intent rather than just going to the shop to buy something. It was also a symbolic gesture to show my gratitude for everything that they had taught me in life.

My parents were thrilled with my pure intention, each embroidery had a potent message that they liked very much. Carefully chosen and stitched with love. Pisces mother was very creative with her hands she could turn her hands to anything creatively and my dad loved her creativity.

Aries dad was a creative thinker he was always coming up with a creative idea in his parenting especially where nutrition was concerned. He made sure that I ate what my body required to keep it functioning when I was little.

They didn't buy my fancy dress outfits, they would make the outfits by hand out of paper. They both expressed their creativity in different ways and they liked to make something out of nothing.

So for instance my mother would buy second hand jumpers for a couple of pennies she would unpick all of the wool, then make a new jumper from it in a different size for one of her children or my dad. It was often the case that mum used existing wool instead of buying new wool, prudence, look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.

Although my earliest memories of learning embroidery was at school in London and I would embroider at home. I would sit quietly and sew patiently for hours and hours. In those days we were taught to make our own garments and we were also taught to crochet.

It reminds yours truly of Proverbs 31 and the woman of noble character. I still have the bedspread mentioned in the prophecy, every stitch made by hand. It took two years to complete the Kingsize quilt.

Wisdom more precious than rubies in Proverbs 8. 2020 is a three year for my life cycle, and three is associated with wisdom. My age compounds to 12 the numeric of the apostles.

Venus turned direct yesterday and tomorrow Mars moves into Aries. Mars will stay in Aries until the 6th of January, 2021.


In the vision words were written and in spiritual symbology, "a Saviour is always the embodiment of the word."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Some British common sense, have a listen to a Londoner, Charles Ward, "the future is bright, please don't panic!" 21 minutes with Charles Ward.

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