
Thursday 18 June 2020


This story is unfolding. At Christmas a friend's daughter, a Reiki healer, gave yours truly a gift of a starter pack to grow three Bonsai trees.

Last week I was watching this gentleman and how he makes Bonsai trees.

Amazing guy. I can recommend all of his videos.


Britain's Premier Bonsai Nursery 

Creating Fuji Cherry Bonsai 

Then on Sunday, the 14th June, 2020, just before getting out of bed I was shown a vision of a watercolour of a tree. I could see all of its branches and every one of its leaves.

Last night I was pondering on a lot of different situations and the heavenly Father spoke in Hebrew and he said, "EVA".  It is Hebrew for life. I've written it has he sounded, although it could be spelt HAVAH, abruptly, calling my attention to life. He knows that I certainly pay attention when he speaks to me.

Then today, when I was at the local DIY (still have decorators in the home) I found a little miniature cherry tree reduced from £16 to £5.

A little stock tree ideal for a Bonsai. The creative art of Bonsai was spread by Buddhist monks, the artistry of bringing living nature inside the Zen temple. In Japan, the Cherry Blossom is a symbol of life.

I thought I can rescue you little tree,
I can take that tree home with me.
That's like buying it for free,
I can make another three.
It requires a lot of TLC,
it was has dry has a bone.

I thought I will make you all better,
just you wait and see, you will hear the music and its tone.
So I brought it home and gave it water and a feed.
EVA, life for the bonsai tree.

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