
Sunday 3 May 2020


There are numerous posts on this blog on Turmeric that includes recipes that include it to how to grow turmeric in the UK.  I cooked my potatoes in the oven sprinkled in turmeric to have with a lamb shank and vegetables last night.

The first blog post on turmeric on this blog was July 2013. Although if you put Turmeric in the search engine you will find lots of posts come up. I enjoy designing new recipes for different health conditions and systems in the body and I have always found cooking to be therapeutic for yours truly.

During my life friends often said that I should open a restaurant but my joy has been in cooking for health for my family, friends and clients.

Then this morning when I opened my eyes I was given Turmeric divinely, so this week it is Turmeric boosters in my menus. Constantly divinely guided with boosters when my body requires them.

I bought chicken to have today and I have various different recipes in my repertoire that includes Turmeric.

I prefer to use fresh turmeric when I can, or the powered spice rather than take a Turmeric supplement, as Turmeric supplements can vary so much. I also boost with a particular food when I am divinely guided to do so.

Cancer Research UK have provided a page on Turmeric for cancer patients and the website mentions that Curcumin in Turmeric can kill cancer cells. Research has shown that in countries where the cancer rate is low are countries where people eat 100mg - 200mg of Curcumin per day over a long period of time.

If you read this page on their website you can see how their comments contradict each other, are they just covering their backs?

Let's bring Cancer Research UK up to date.

I have a new strategic protocol for cancer patients that is backed up by scientific studies on supplements, of course I also have a strategic protocol for food intake and recipes for it too.

A Christian healer asked me recently why aren't the doctors recommending your protocol? I explained to her that there are two reasons. It takes 17 years for the latest scientific discoveries to be included in clinical practice.

Secondly, each of the recommendations in my strategic protocol have been individually scientifically tested in different universities. I am probably the first person to correlate the research from the different universities in different countries that brought me to the conclusion that I recommend, it is a unique combination in that respect. There are specific nutrients that the cells of the body cannot live without and the more a person ages, the more they require those nutrients.

Turmeric is certainly one of the foods that I recommend and the LORD also asked for CUMIN previously while I was cooking. So I do have Cumin seeds in my food cupboard. Although I have all of the Indian spices at my finger tips to choose from to cook with at any time.

I've always had Indian spices in my food store and I have cooked with Indian spices since the 70s. My mother used to cook curries so I inherited that from my mum, although being an Aquarian, I tended to be even more adventurous than my creative Pisces mum.


Dogs and children like coconut oil and coconut oil also has a compound that kills cancer cells. If I had a dog I would make coconut balls with turmeric for the dog. Coconut oil is also great for a healthy coat just like it is brilliant for human hair too.

Turmeric has to be digested with either black pepper or a fat in humans, coconut oil with turmeric is ideal as a combination for animals.

What I've noticed is that animals used to pass over due to natural causes due to their age.

Since the technological age began, far too many animals are getting cancers and I am convinced that it is the technology that is impacting upon their sensitive bodies.

One woman that I spoke to said she had four dogs that died of it, she also said that she'd had stomach cancer. I asked her if she used a laptop and where she kept her mobile phone? Do you have Wifi turned off? I do.

Sometimes they refer to Turmeric as Indian Saffron, although Saffron is a completely different spice. As far as I am aware Turmeric (with Curcumin) has also been given safely to animals.

While bathing today, pink energy appeared on my bathroom window and the energy was moving, it then filled the bathroom window. I view the colour pink as the colour of love.


MBS Dream


Anything that doesn't please you will be released now, anyone that doesn't delight in the English patriots will will not be in the next phase of my life in this timeline. The moon is entering Libra on the 4th of May, 2020 and I do have an awesome Libra friend that is also a patriot. His name means "October Winner" in gematria, how lovely is that!

The 4th of May also offers a window of opportunity to those that can see it. Cafe Astrology write that it can stimulate an epiphany. The north node moves into the GEM IN I and this transit will continue until January 2022. So might you find the gem within yourselves, a special gem that it is totally unique to you.

This gemini transit is calling for the authentic you in your communications, so a very powerful transit for President Donald John Trump. Donald is a great name, in gematria it is the equivalent of "Healer".

What is more authentic than sharing all the messages that I receive with you?

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