
Sunday 17 May 2020


Last week I picked up a fortune cookie and it said, "The best is yet to come". 


Then just now this song was uploaded onto a business platform. Synchronicity? I've always liked synchronicity and divine providence.

A lot of people feel very uncertain about their lives this year due to so many of their business plans being blown up due to the health crisis that governments have created for our economies with the enforced lockdowns that are "illegal" in international law.

I don't tend to plan too far ahead in this decade of my life. I trust in Spirit, follow instructions, and focus my attention on my own health and those that are brought to yours truly for help with length of days.

Although my quarterly health plan (that often changes quarterly with priorities) that includes regular therapeutic massage treatments have been halted because of the lockdown and that is starting to have an impact on yours truly now. I only plan for a quarter in advance health wise and then just go with the flow of what is brought into my life by Spirit for divine purpose.

I have received divine guidance that there will be a transition and a hand over of a company.

I have also been guided that there is a transmission coming for my eyes only. I always like surprises, especially when it is divine.

Some good news has been received since about a person's health that is close to my heart, and that is always joyful news to hear for wisdom more precious than rubies. My young neighbour is doing great too, so that is a great relief.

Two years working on that case, and we can all say well done to him for putting in so much effort. Helping people to turn their lives around is so rewarding. All the love poured out in 2019, has certainly had a powerful impact in 2020. Once my love has been poured out upon a person consistently, it is quite incredible what can and does manifest. He often comes to give me daily reports and updates and of course he deserves praise for it.

If you are feeling uncertain about your life; I recommend arranging for someone to look at your chart to start with, due to the amount of major planets that are retrograde this year.

2020 is a very unusual year to say the least, and receiving a map of the planetary activity can help you in your business life. Your relationships and also give you alerts to do with your health and when your health is most vulnerable.

If you'd just like to read a spiritual elder's view of it, than I can recommend Robert Wilkinson, he and I, are usually spiritually aligned. This is his article on the Jupiter Retrograde and Robert has titled it,

"Looking back at our life adventure and hearing a higher voice".

If you live in the UK, then you might like to chat to our guys. If you would like recommendations for who to speak to in the UK, then just ask and I will reply.

If you are experiencing any health issues and require some help from this health consultant, again, just ask. Or do some searching on this blog, as there is plenty of blogposts on health subject matter. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will open for you. Most of all try to stay as relaxed as you possibly can.

If you require divine guidance from yours truly, "where there is a will, there is always a way", my gran used to say that, she also used to say, "a little of what you fancy does you good". So make sure you are self-nurturing in the best way that you know how.


In the meantime, I am still growing some food, it's always great to gain new experiences that always comes to new gardeners. This is my fourth growing season since I began gardening, so it is still a reasonably new hobby for yours truly. With Pisces in my 3rd house I enjoy learning as I go with the flow of my life and what my life example shows as I go along.

Mars has moved into Pisces, and Mars can push me along more and more with even more fiery passion than shown previously. Especially with creative pursuits and pushing my talents further and further especially with health and communications.

I enjoy designing and developing new recipes, I enjoy developing new strategic protocols for different health conditions. Being an Aquarian sun sign, I"m also open hearted and minded to change as long as that change is a healthy change, for change is the only constant in the cosmos.

If a change in life can improve my life or the lives of others than I am all for it. Although what improvements others seek can be different to what I consider to be appropriate for the timeline and phase of life that my generation find ourselves in.

So for instance I don't agree with walking miles and miles, I don't agree with wearing out your joints, so that the community purse has to pay for joint replacements when others would like them.

Why should joint replacements be any different to any other health condition that is self-inflicted? 11 million die on this planet every year from nutritional deficiencies. Yet, governments don't lockdown countries over that. Foreign nationals are still entering the country without question or quarantine. "Illegal immigrants" are still arriving on our shores, yet our people are in incarcerated.

British politicians are the bane of our lives. Our people cannot heal while their souls are incarcerated. The great Dr Ursula Anderson was accurate about that in her book, "Taking out the violence".

I have Mercury in Pisces so communications can be very emotive and creatively expressive. I sense it, I feel it, I hear it, I see it, I write it, I paint it. Mars can also push me to be more spontaneous around issues that I can be more cautious with at other times.

So for instance spontaneously moving containers around in the garden when I know I shouldn't lift any weight. So then I suffer the consequences afterwards and have to rest up and self-nurture.

This is the first time that I've managed to grow lettuces from seed and I found on-line that chives keep the pests away. So today, I split my two containers of chives into four different pots and put these lettuces in with the chives to see how they do. More seedlings could then go into this and other bowls.

17th May, 2020. 

I harvested some tarragon today, washed it and tied it up in the kitchen in dry. I also have tarragon in white wine vinegar too, it gives the vinegar a lovely flavour. Chives were cut and washed with their flowers and they are in a cider vinegar.

You can harvest your herbs all season and it is important to continually harvest your herbs so that new growth comes forth. Oregano is amazing, it grows back so quickly. I do like thyme and sage too, I have two different sages. a green sage and a purple sage. I also have some black peppermint and that is lovely too.

I've always been into herbs for cooking, although I am much more interested in their medicinal qualities these days. This year I also bought a St John's Wort, and that is coming along nicely.

Basil is one of my favourite herbs although the pests do like basil, so I will have to put the basil near the chives.

I look like I'm ready for some martial arts in that photograph, big smiles.  Namaste!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for next week.

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