
Monday 18 May 2020


I had a dream of commercial kitchens and I saw the staff arguing over the washing up. All the staff were just standing still looking at it while I was observing those people.

After the dream it made me think about the science and copper and how important copper surfaces are in a clinical environment.


"A dream of a kitchen depends on the general atmosphere. If the kitchen was modern and/or attractive and well-kept, it predicts good news or happy social events. If it was messy, run down or bare, it indicates your health is under par and a medical checkup might be in order."

I certainly woke up with neurological pain in my upper back and neck this morning and I do feel under par. I've been experiencing this neurological condition since May 2019, since then I've been waiting to be seen by a consultant and receive treatment. Although prior to the lockdown I was receiving therapeutic massage treatments with my therapist once a month, more often when necessary.

Recently, a sub-contractor offered a telephone call for the spinal injury and I've made an official complaint about it. The nervous system likes Melon and Pineapple so that fruit shall be my focus this week.

In the dream the work surfaces were all clear, all the washing up was in the sinks. Hence I view the meaning of this dream having more than one meaning. The kitchens in the dream were large commercial kitchens.

Washing up. In dream interpretation washing by hand suggests that you should refrain from getting involved in the personal affairs of others at the present time. However, people weren't washing up they were just standing around looking at it. I was observing the staff like looking at a screen from a security camera that was filming the people in the kitchens. How do I know? The filming was over the heads of the staff.

I do know a person that works in commercial kitchens so it could relate to her and her family. There is some concern in the family about Covid 19. Wisdom counselled her to start her own business but she didn't take the advice on board prior to the lockdown.

If you see people arguing in a dream it can mean that people are being impulsive in important matters and those people should think things through prior to taking action. It is definitely a warning dream if we correlate all of the different factors of it. Commercial kitchens weren't really made for social distancing were they, although the kitchens that I saw in the dream were huge. They were definitely commercial kitchens.

If I was designing and putting in a new commercial kitchen it would definitely be with copper surfaces in this timeline. I used to have a friend who had a kitchen company and he has been strong with me recently, yea, Will used to tell everyone in the pub "She's a star" when I arrived, bless him.

Sailor Will that had a kitchen business and a boat business, passed over with a heart condition, it was a shock to all of us because he looked so healthy, physically fit, always really active with his boats.

In fact, during my life, I've known at least three guys that owned kitchen businesses. Just phoned into one of those families to see if they're all OK has it's years since we've been in contact.

Again, his condition is to do with nutritional deficiencies.

So for the time being I can observe what is happening, just watch what happens. As people are now receiving very little help from the medical profession. A lot of people are on their own with what they are encountering.

People have had plenty of years to make a breakthrough and take the divine counsel on board. For years I did my utmost to counsel people on their nutrition, you can offer your help, you can't make people accept your help. As Jesus said, "Your counsel is warranted".


This discussion has been uploaded today, a discussion between Ivor Cummins and Dr Eric Berg.

The video is called, "Leptin Resistance Is Behind A Weakened Immune System". 

An interesting fact that the fatter you are the more difficult it is for the body to absorb Vitamin D, that makes perfect sense to yours truly. I was on a Keto diet nearly 20 years ago and it certainly changed my eating habits, it was also incredibly energising after ketosis.

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