
Friday 29 May 2020


On the 28th of May, 2020 Mercury moved into Cancer planetary wise and that morning I had a dream of my son. In the dream he wasn't reading the emails that I had sent him and he wasn't replying to emails. I've received numerous dreams of him this year. I often receive messages in dream state.

When Mercury is in the sign of Cancer, people are only interested in what is impacting upon them personally, they're only interested in their own personal lives. As far as information is concerned, quality is more important than quantity. I'd just like to hold him in my arms and make him all better again. That is natural for a mother isn't it?

Mercury will be in Cancer until the 4th of August, 2020 and that is a long transit that will bring a lot of feelings and emotions to the fore.

In dream interpretation if you dream of family it can indicate an upswing in your interests. It won't be long now until the lockdown is over. The sign of Cancer being a water sign it can be very emotional and you know what the crab is like, it is easy for it to hide under the sand. Remember the days when George hid himself away and lived reclusively, he was a Cancer sun sign.

I have Uranus is Cancer and it is also in my 8th house. Uranus in Cancer can be ultra-sensitive, the empath that picks up energies very quickly when in their presence. We often notice what others don't notice, we often care about what other's don't. The woman that never takes love for granted and loves unconditionally. As I loved my parents, so I loved my son.

Being master of one's emotions is a major achievement in life for people that have Uranus in Cancer due to the sheer sensitivity and intensity of our hearts. We do protect our hearts as much as we can and at times we can let our heads rule our hearts. Especially if and when there are financial implications that can impact upon our personhood, safety and security. Health and food security being particularly relevant.

So to a certain extent it is about weighing up the odds for success. For instance, deciding on an appropriate school for your child. I took advice from friends and school teachers, I weighed up the odds, and then made my choice after a lot of consideration.  Once I made my choice it was all systems go, move house so that he could go to the recommended schools.

The 8th house is the inner power and when people have Cancer in the 8th house it can bring forth groundbreaking discoveries and huge breakthroughs for humanity. These people usually make a huge difference to people's lives, we bring change for the better and often go beyond where others have gone. How deep is your love and where did the love take you?

"My chart says that this transit can bring an encounter with an older, more established or experienced man. The men that you meet now seem to be more competent and controlled. 

Seeing life through a wide-angle lens and not close-up and focused. Allow your kind heart to come out, but express it through feelings and acts of kindness, rather than detached financial donations". 

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