
Friday 29 May 2020


Today I drifted off while sunbathing and I dreamt of a funeral and a wedding and both were being held on the same day, in my locality, it was going to be on a Monday.

I was invited to the funeral by a female friend and (her husband) asked me to walk with their family at the side of her gay brother. They asked that the two mystics walk together in the family procession side by side. Of course, I agreed to do so as they had asked.

There was also going to be a wedding on the same day, and it looked like it was carnival time in our locality because across the road was large pink feather bowers going across the road.

The wall was much higher than it is where I live and everyone was looking at the pink feathers going across the road, and people were waiting for the procession to turn into our road.

The date of the carnival for 2020 hasn't been announced yet, but the theme is AMAZING, the title of George Michael's song. Luther Vandross also gave an Amazing song too.

In dream interpretation to see decorative feathers in a dream indicates social popularity for a woman, or personal power for a man. Although biblically, there is a prophecy that the LORD would cover us with feathers and during my life I have worn feathers. Feathers on the hood of a dress, I wore feather bowers and I once owned a beautiful antique feather cape that I bought from a friend. 

"He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart". Psalm 91:4 

The colour pink is also relevant in dream interpretation and it indicates unusually great success. 

In the dream it was a celebration of life and love and everyone was happy while waiting for the procession to arrive. Dreaming of a country village forecasts solid achievement. If you can see over the top of the wall like we could to see the feathers it indicates a bright future ahead. 

The day can be significant in a dream and Monday is featured in a Nostradamus prophecy as that was pre-destined to be my day off when I was working weekends. In the UK when people have Mondays off work, it is usually a bank holiday. 

Happiness in a dream is similar to having fun, has long as there wasn't an excess of it. The quality of the happiness is what matters. 

A dream of a funeral is a dream of contrary. To see or attend a funeral in your dream signifies cause for a happy celebration. Probably news of an engagement or wedding is coming in the dream of a funeral. 

If there is a mention of attending a wedding in your dream, the consensus appears to agree that it is a symbol of a happy time although it can be a brief interlude. 

Change is certainly happening, a significant change planetary wise too with a Lunar eclipse. 

In response to that video presentation of June. Don't be a martyr, being a martyr is an initiation and you have to pass it with flying colours, feathers were certainly flying in the breeze in the dream received today. The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy and that includes being merciful to the self. If you are merciful to yourself then you are also merciful to those that are brought into your life including your neighbours.

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