
Thursday 23 April 2020



23rd April, 2020

Two different paintings two very different energies. 

For the mustard seed to grow it requires water. For the lemon tree to grow it requires water, everything and everyone requires the water of life. 


23rd April 2020

Yesterday, Jesus asked for a bath, an immersion in water, and while in the connectivity of hot water, while immersed in water your auric fields are cleansed.

In Judaism it is the Mikvah, to be immersed in a pool of water. A sanctification with his instruction to bathe, immersed in the power of his love and the water of life. Water is symbolic of life and he often speaks when I am close to water or in water. Water of blessings, bless the water and give healing to water. Water symbolic of the sacred feminine.

Why was this so important to him? Rosh Chodesh begins tonight. "Kindness in Harmony" with the divine plan.

It is written that New moons and Full moons are a time of recognition by the Hebrews. "Blow the trumpet at the time of the New moon, at the full moon and on a solemn feast day. For this is a statute for Israel, a law of the God of Jacob". Psalm 81:3.

In Hebrew the word for IMMERSION is TAVAL. In the Book of Judith, the heroine immerses herself in a natural spring. In the ancient Jewish culture a person didn't eat unless they were first immersed in water.

While immersed in water he spoke again, "I'm going to fix it". 

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