
Wednesday 22 April 2020

APRIL 21-27 APRIL 2020

My message today was "BATH", so a lovely bath today prior to going out to get essentials. While I was bathing the message I received was "I'm going to fix it". I thought great. I also saw lime energy again. 

What have you been doing this week? I've been ordering supplements and delivering supplements to the people closest to me that require them. I found a great coconut oil supplement on line from KFC, two for one, for £3.99 plus delivery. Aldi also have a great special on supplements this week so I bought Cod Liver Oil, Omega-3 Fish Oil and Glucosamine Sulphate. Prices ranged from £1.99-£2.99. 

It is important to stock up on supplements that you may require for the next few months because some companies are out of Vit D3 at HQ. 

I've also been sharing with a neighbour how he can become master of his thoughts and emotions. How "not to panic" about life and to be the man and dad he was born to be. As Jesus said, "Slowly" and that can mean to think before you speak. Libra and Aquarians born in the year of horse have to take a gentle trot this year, sometimes a canter, no galloping. We have to look after our legs and spines too. 

Still tending to and nurturing seedlings in the garden and in doors. Beautiful weather in the UK, clear blue skies, bright sunshine and temperature is lovely today. I really like that painting with the golden rabbit and golden dog in it and I see a woman in the centre of the painting, it says to me, "this is me, this is what I have brought to you". 

There is plenty of lime in that painting. I've got Taurus in my 4th house for this New full moon in Taurus, and I used to love going to fairs and my dad used to win us a coconut. He would crack it open, we'd drink the coconut milk inside it and then he would give each of his family a piece to eat. 

Yep, dad liked the fresh coconut, he was on it. Mum used to make coconut macaroons for me too, mum and dad did everything they could to get the nutrition into yours truly. In 2019, I made coconut ice cream with goats milk it was lovely. 

I felt compelled to buy Hemp Seeds today for extra nutrition, so it will be interesting including Hemp Seeds in my breakfast with Greek yoghurt with chia, sunflower and pumpkin seeds with some fresh fruit. Hemp seeds are high in Omega 6, that is great for heart health and circulation. This Harvard paper explains the difference between Omega 3 and Omega 6. 

Remember what Jesus said at the start of April, "ALPHA and OMEGA", it has certainly been an excellent month for supplements. I bought Vit E too this month. You have to eat and supplement specifically for your health conditions, especially the older that you get. 

This week I also made a Tiramisu and a Kiwi Cheesecake, I like those. 

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