
Thursday 2 April 2020


Has shared on the "Alpha and Omega" blogpost.

The Omega in my right hand is far more defined since this photograph was taken.

On the 1st of April I was divinely instructed to wear MUSTARD. Hence I wore the Mustard colour when I went out yesterday, I am also growing mustard. I like cooking with mustard too.

As we know it is written in the bible that Jesus spoke of the mustard seed. Hence, it was important to him. He liked to use agricultural symbology in his messages to his followers in ancient times, and even today, he still divinely guides yours truly on what food to eat for our health.

When I returned from food shopping and picking up some soil. I was given another message.


There is an Indian cricket team with that name and their team colour is yellow. Colour is incredibly important to the health of people. Rev 22 says wash your robes and be given the tree of life. This painting was named the tree of life. The paint was spread in 2015 for a new born.


The Russians carried out some scientific research with colour and since the new millennium began, I've been advising people not wear black directly on the skin due to it's impact on the energetic fields and pores of the body. Another reason not to wear black socks too if you are having any health issues.


Many years ago, I had a dream of a pilot and he was wearing a blue suit. He was tall and large in stature and we left the terminal together and walked out into the sunshine. I began the conversation and asked him, "Did you put that suit on for me?" 

In 2006, a Jewish orthodox mystic spoke to me at a Jewish wedding that was held on the Galilee. He said that I had been sent to Israel on the love vibration. He also shared that a pilot would come into my love life around January or February time. 

It took many years for the pilot to turn up but eventually a pilot did come into my life and he arrived in the same location in 2018. For sure, heavenly sent to yours truly. When I asked Jesus about his purpose in my life, as I remember it, Jesus replied "Take care of each other". "Look after each other". 

I began remote scanning his body for health reasons in 2019, after that the pilot had a dream of the sunshine. That was prior to him knowing about the pilot dream or the message about the pilot given by the Jewish mystic. It was also prior to him sharing that he had a pilots licence. Get your mustard on buddy. 


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