
Saturday 25 April 2020


Remember in the Christ teachings his true followers are told to stand your ground. He taught us to stand our ground whilst sharing the truth, to stand upright has a column of light. To put our light on a lamp stand. We also know scientifically, that the heart is the seat of intelligence, although there are many doors to the heart and sometimes you have to be given the keys to open those doors.

I continually have to stand my ground and many other people are having to do so too. Different people have different information to share, each person has a purpose in life when they evolve to the point of accessing it.

Did you offer to take off your shoes when you came into my home? If you did then your soul knows it to be holy ground. Interesting that the children in 2019, would take off their shoes when they came into my home. The little children and their soul's knowing.

Pluto is stationing retrograde today in Capricorn for five months until the 4th of October, so it is even more important that you stand your ground and the light that you were born to be. Jesus said, "Slowly", and that also aligns with it. Lead gently, slowly. He also said, "I'm going to fix it" after he asked yours truly to bath. The connectivity of water that cleanses the auric fields, he liked to teach whilst being upon water because he knew that water holds memory.



What carries water to the cells? GLYCERINE, instructed by the heavenly Father in October 2012. I have bottles of glycerine. Glycerine is found in coconut and palm oil, and carrying water to the cells is just one of the reasons why glycerine is so important for the body.

As scripture says, "Wisdom will be proven correct" wisdom more precious than rubies was called, wisdom with insight. Exactly as bible prophecy foretold that a woman would indeed come to help. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008 and the timeline overlapped with Micah 4.

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