
Sunday 26 April 2020


Sitting in a portable sauna steamer is like sitting in the Oasis. Each time it is enjoyed, it is so relaxing. It has transformed my way of life and living it slowly. For as Jesus said, "Slowly". Hot steam, steam ahead. 20 minutes goes so quickly when your body is enjoying the heat that it is receiving.



Are you being lovingly kind to your bodies during the lockdown? I noticed that a restaurant is getting ready to re-open locally.  

Oxford scientists have developed an "immunity tester" that works like a pregnancy test. People in the UK will be able to test themselves and they cost £10. Boris Johnson's government has ordered 50 million of the testing kits, and the first million will be ready in June. 

Mercury moves into Taurus on the 27th of April, 2020 and I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th houses.

Rosh Chodesh the recent new moon was also in Taurus, new beginnings with family and friends, new beginnings in the garden of life, new beginnings in working relationships and the home. Are you ready for something new to come into your life?

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