
Thursday 16 April 2020

Robert F Kennedy -v- Bill Gates Agenda

Robert F Kennedy has been exposing Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. The Duran discusses the globalist Bill Gates agenda to control global health policy. A 30 minute discussion about the agenda.

I for one will certainly not take any vaccine, as far as I am concerned, any enforced vaccine is a deprivation of a person's liberty and the integrity of my body.

The Duran video ad discussion includes the fact that in 2017, India told Bill Gates to leave India with his Polio vaccines, the children were given 50 doses prior to the age of 5. 490,000 Indian children were paralysed due to it.

African children suffered paralysis after vaccinations, women in Kenya were sterilised due to being given a tetanus vaccination. Many countries are booting Bill Gates and his vaccinations out of their countries.

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