
Thursday 16 April 2020


Today, I was given "CERES", to the ancient Romans Ceres was a goddess of agriculture, fertility and motherly relationships. We then have the "Greek rites of Ceres". It was a festival held for seven days from mid to late April. Source link says that she was also honoured in May.

Ceres was honoured for her discoveries. Ovid tells that "Ceres is content with little, as long as her offerings are casta (pure)".

In this link she is described as the Earth Mother, she rules over health, nutrition and agriculture including family relationships. In scripture Jesus speaks of the Earth Mother and those known as the Essenes embraced her.

On the 8th of April when this video was uploaded it was the start of the Jewish holiday with a Libra full moon and today passover is completed. Apparently, Ceres is in Aquarius, in my sun sign until the 24th of April. I also have Venus in Aquarius, so that explains the intensity of health in my timeline.

Some say that CERES is in and out of Aquarius and Pisces throughout 2020. I have Mercury in Pisces, and Pisces is in my 3rd house.

In my birth chart I have Ceres in Libra and Libra is ruled by Venus. Venus likes balance, harmony and justice. With Ceres in Libra I like a balanced meal, balanced nutrition and health. Balanced, nurturing and supportive friendships and relationships and food has always been an important aspect of my life. For as it is written in Proverbs 31, wisdom more precious than rubies, fed people in her home day and night.

When I was young I used to say that I only had to look at a donut and I put on weight. Hence, I always kept an eye on my weight and what I fed my friends and family. We appreciate the little things in life and how people show that they care fully. We notice everything that people do and say due to our sensitivity.

So for instance when my son would pick flowers on his way home from school to give to his mum, it always touched my heart deeply. The fact that he had thought about it from such a young age, meant so much to his mum. He used to pick out lovely cards too, with unusual words, so I kept two of the best, a Mother's Day card, and a Christmas card.

If you also have Ceres in Libra, you notice everything that a person does and says, it is how we know whether a person is in balance with themselves and their lives and if they are not. When and if people are out of balance with themselves and their own bodies that is when there can be a detrimental impact. So for instance, I don't weight anymore than I did in my 20s, we were born to be lean, if you are eating properly then there is no reason to put on a lot of weight as you get older.

Ceres in Libra people are great at exploring hearts and helping others to come back into balance with themselves and their souls.

If you would like to know where CERES is in your chart, you can find it on this link.


15th April, 2020

So this is a time for yours truly to continue the journey that began decades ago with health, nutrition and nurturing. Certainly, anything or anyone that grows or is willing to grow in a healthy and balanced way, pleases yours truly.

My seedlings are like having children to me, I nurture the seedlings gently in my healing hands. The baby plants like to stay inside my home with me and by my side until they are strong enough to stand alone outside.

I talk to my plants and believe it or not plants like the vibrations of music, scientifically proven. With Ceres in Libra it is definitely beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe that is why at school I liked the hymn that we would sing, "All things bright and beautiful".



With each health case of a patient that I work with in-depth and intensively, I make a new discovery.  Sometimes numerous discoveries led by the Spirit and sometimes I find the possibilities and impact miraculous.

Recently I found Alkanet growing wild on my right, just growing naturally in the garden. The wild plant brought an important message with it and I did find a scientific paper to support it. The small things in life can be so very important to the health of a person. That is the great thing about seeds too they metabolise the fastest. Jesus and his mustard seed is so relevant to Ceres energy. I was compelled to buy mustard cress today, I like mustard cress in egg mayonnaise.

The Ceres message confirms that the divine mission with health and nutrition at this time is the most appropriate for yours truly, and I must admit I really have and am still enjoying the journey with it.

Including growing some food. Creation evolves and evolution creates.


April 2020 

There is also a small planet that has been given the same name, CERES.

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