
Monday 27 April 2020


Mercury moves into Taurus the bull tomorrow until the 11th of May. It follows the recent Taurus new moon. Rosh Chodesh, new opportunities for new beginnings, a door has been opened did you see it?

Mercury the planet of communication, the winged messenger.

Take a look to see where you have Taurus in your chart, you may be surprised at the impact that it has on you and your life. Taurus likes the home, family and friends. I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th houses.

We like a safe and secure home environment, somewhere to unwind, relax, and enjoy, our home is our sanctuary. Cooking for self and others is for health reasons not just for entertainment, although I used to enjoy cooking buffets and dinner parties for special charitable gatherings for fundraising.

There is a lot to do with nutrition being discussed at this time, also discussions on nutritional deficiencies and supplements.

A majority of people like food, and Taurus usually likes theirs. Eating at home and going out to eat is one of the enjoyable past times for this configuration in your birth chart. Quality is important too, I'd rather have a small amount of high quality, than a large amount that is not. That then brings back to work ethics and high standards again.

If you were fortunate to enjoy nature as a child it stays with you throughout your life, the sunshine and fresh air of the countryside. So what are you growing with your communications now? What seeds will you place and where?

Make sure that wherever you place your communications, it feels good and right to be there. If you are in a location that doesn't feel right, then maybe it is time to look elsewhere. Don't allow social media to run your life, it is up to you to live your life, the way it was meant to be naturally.

In recent days Jesus has spoken of those that write "inappropriately" -v- those that write "appropriately". So for instance the MSM have written "inappropriately" about President Trump, and those that defended the President wrote appropriately.

Another analogy, Meghan Markle treated her dad and the family that she married into "inappropriately" and that is why there was an appropriate and right response to her from the British public. A majority of British people bring up their children to be well mannered and to be respectful to their elders. From parents it is passed onto the next generation in the UK joyfully.


Jesus has also talked about going "SLOWLY", and that can link into the Pluto Retrograde and Mercury in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is still in GEM IN I, another sun sign of creative communications. With Mercury in Taurus the messages can come in many different art forms and again thoughts and communications can be at a slower pace as too can be the melodic voice.

Consistent effort and being thorough brings its rewards in the end, so full cheers to all of our methodical medical staff that have worked so hard with so little resources. It doesn't help does it when the American tech giants are banning the videos of medical doctors that are sharing their findings with the general public directly.

The cure that time forgot, a great article on some recent medical research on the power of UVA.  Apparently the video has been removed by youtube, because the CEO says they're only following WHO recommendations. 

Now we know that China is running WHO, China has moved into the south China sea again, while buying up what it can globally. WHO are saying there is going to be famines globally with biblical proportions, and that is who youtube are backing. However, the truth seekers will continue to share the truth with the people, the truth shall set them free. 


I recommend that everyone reads this article. 

Another article on UV light. 

After my sauna/steamer this evening, I laid down, then afterwards, the paint was spread.  I was thinking about Mercury in Taurus while painting. Strong lavender in this painting, and the chives have flowered purple. You can put the chive flowers in vinegar and on your salad. 

Lavender and Geranium are beautiful together and you can put a few drops of the oils in the water of your steam machine. Geranium helps the brain to assimilate nutrients, and lavender is an amazing healer. Rose water is also lovely on the brow while bathing or prior to going to bed, you can also cook with rose water. 

26th April, 2020

I am certainly pleased that towards the end of February, I felt compelled to book a month of unlimited sun beds. (First time since the 90s). 

Today, I sat in the fresh air in the sunshine, it's lovely to dose off in the sunshine. Remember in days past there used to be nursing homes where people could convalesce after having an operation. They were so important to the recovery of patients. 

I am fortunate that my olive skin loves the sunshine, if you live in the UK, I hope that you are getting plenty of sun, as we have had some fabulous weather in the UK. 


I think there could be some surprising news tomorrow as we will have the result of a court case. 

Jesus said, "It's Summer".  

He also said that he's going to fix it. 

Another painting and it looks like VICTORY to yours truly.

27th April, 2020 

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