
Monday 6 April 2020


What a start to April we've had if you look at the blogposts. This week we have the full moon in Libra on the 7/8 depending on where you are in the world.

My chart says it comes in my 9th house and my 9th house is in Virgo the perfectionist. I can be a perfectionist in my work life. I've always liked to try my best, and be the best that I can be in whatever work I am involved in, especially related to health. A multi-tasker that has embraced many different disciplines.

Hence, this full moon could very well impact upon working friendships, colleagues, clients, patients and people that know yours truly due to their experience of working with me in times gone by.

The work of some of my former colleagues has certainly had a positive outcome in my life. The work that I was involved in during previous decades in the healing community has certainly been a huge bonus in my life.

When I think back,  I first became interested in nutrition in the 90s, that was when I began to read about it and the scientific studies that were being cited in a little book that I bought. Originally an Indian Palmist in London shared with yours truly that my palm showed that I would have to address mineral deficiencies, and WOW he was absolutely correct.

Then there was the colleagues and clients that were involved in flower essences, aromatherapy oils, and numerous complimentary therapies and original natural medicines. The 90s flourished and expanded my heart as my holistic journey really took off in that timeline.

The love that we all enjoyed whilst being together on the circuit was one of the most awesome times of my life and I really do treasure it in my heart. It was certainly a springboard for yours truly and for whom I became, a person transformed, a complete spiritual transformation took place in an holistic way.

The realisation that I was born to be a mystical healer and to make positive interventions in the lives of others that required help or were asking for help.

On the 8th of April the Jewish Passover begins and it is an eight day festival of freedom. Of course, freedom is the key word of the water bearer Aquarians. Mars is in Aquarius and Saturn is also in Aquarius, so there is a lot going on psychologically with thought processes for the people at this time.

With this Passover kicking off with the Libra full moon, it can be a complete re-balancing of life and living it, if your life has been out of balance, or out of sync. I tend to be in sync with my bodies intuition and eat what my body requires or what I am divinely shown or told to eat.

If we hadn't had the lockdown I might have been in Israel for Passover this year of 2020.

So definitely, this Passover I will be thinking of my spiritual friends in Israel, as it would be really great to see them all again.

The herb that we have been given for this Passover is ALKANET and it reduces a fever. Interesting that the research on the herb was carried out in Egypt. Herbs for health, it can also be purchased as a flower essence, as a tincture, as a tea, or in a capsule in the UK.

During Passover the Jewish people drink wine, eat herbs and matza, unleavened bread.

Orthodox Jewish people usually don't eat offal. However, in London Jewish restaurants I always enjoyed the chicken livers with crumbled egg on top. We enjoyed the chopped herring too. I was surprised that while I was in Israel we couldn't find either of those two dishes.

I'm making chicken liver pate today with thyme, brandy and butter. I am also making green olive humous. I feel like picking, so I shall make some egg mayonnaise, I have some cream cheese, roasted aubergine and salads.

My anti-virus soup is a SPICY PARSNIP soup and I have some ready in the freezer. Solomon did like his spice mountain.

For sweet I have some English red plums and they're great for eyes, I make a compote with the plums to put on top of a cheesecake. You have to be able to see your way forward, so never take your eyes for granted. In fact, never take your body for granted, never take love for granted.

Of course one of my favourites is carrot cake and I do make a lovely carrot cake, carrots are great for eyes too. What else have I got? I've got the lovely tapioca balls to make a milk pudding. Tapioca is gluten free and I loved eating it as a child. I've also bought some gram flour and that is made from chick peas, so it will be fun to make something with the gram flour for this passover.

Full steam ahead too, I have a lovely portable sauna/steamer to sit in, and I've also bought a steamer for clothes. Fully prepared for the Jewish holidays. Lots of gardening to get on with. I'm growing new things this year, corn on the cob that doesn't like it's roots being disturbed. I'm growing Lemongrass like the Israeli farmer. I have broad beans in, tomato plants, cucumber, butter squash and lots more.

Jewish Passover is from the 8th - 16th.

Love beyond measure Israel, always in my heart. Stay safe everyone.

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