
Monday 6 April 2020


Yesterday, I found this flower hiding under the hedge, I asked some gardening chums if they knew what it is.  



It is ALKANET, and it is native to Western Europe. It is one of the Sun Essence flower remedies from set 3 and it is for "Calm in a storm". "Alkanet can help one to keep positive and balanced in situations which are chaotic or obtrusive. Feelings of support and protection help to hold and focus the energy enabling clear communication and a way through difficult circumstances". 

Viv Williamson, a co- founder of Sun Essences in Norfolk, England, wrote a lovely book on flower essences and how to make them. See her website for more information. 

Alkanet is from the Borage family and it can be used for dying and the root can be made into a powder to be put into soap, it was also used has Henna for the hair. This wild plant has numerous uses and benefits. Although there doesn't appear to be any medical research cited on the Wikipedia links. 

It is written that the genus name Pentaglottis is Greek, meaning "five tongues", and the species name in Latin is sempervirens and means "always alive", or "evergreen". It blooms in early Spring into Summer. 


The Egyptians have carried out some research on ALKANET has a herb has it reduces a fever and it is recommended for R.A. due to it reducing inflammation, it is also recommended for other health conditions. This article appeared in a peer reviewed journal in 2019. 



I've found a British company, Nutriherbs manufacture their tinctures in Spain and they provide an ALKANET tincture that also has glycerine in it. They provide ALKANET as a tea, in tea bags, in a capsule and as an oral spray. 

Delivery comes via the UK and delivery is free to people living in the UK. 


We know that Jesus worked with colour and that in ancient days, the Persians used to call their dye houses "House of Christ".  When the Alkanet root is grounded into a powder it is red and it is often used with lavender in soap making. 

Some people embraced big pharma to change nature, whereas I listened to Jesus and embraced nature to improve the change. 

Ladybird came to visit yesterday too and the ladybird always reminds yours truly of Mother Mary.

The ladybird had landed and was walking on the scissors, indicating that cutting was necessary.

After that I noticed that the pink rose bush outside my kitchen window was covered in greenfly, and ladybirds feed on greenfly. Garden centres recommend putting a lavender plant close to a rose bush because ladybirds are drawn to the lavender.

However, the fact that the ladybird was sitting on the scissors I think I shall cut the pink rose bush right back.

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