
Friday 17 April 2020


George Michael's first entrance into my life after his passing was on the 22nd September, 2017.

Seeing him and hearing him as continued ever since then. Last week he was wearing very large reflective wraparound sunglasses and we've had some great sunny weather in the UK since then.

In 2019 whilst giving healing to a friends husband with his wife, I saw a red cross and then I heard George singing "I'm Your Man". The gentleman is doing great after his op and gardening during the lockdown.

On New Year's Day, I received a dream of George, we talked during the dream and then after the dream, he talked again.

1st January, 2020. George Michael Dream and Messages.

After I received the dream, George spoke of helping one of my neighbours and the turnaround in his life has been miraculous, thumbs up George. In January, he asked me to leave that case to him, I realised afterwards that his desire was for yours truly to concentrate and to focus on just one case that is very important to him and dear to his heart.

George knew that I would be shown what I required to help "cancer patients" and his mother was a sufferer of it.  He clearly knew what was going to happen ahead of time with the medical profession and that I would be required to step forward. To help people with a new strategic protocol to help those that have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to understand.

What people require most is hope, regular mentoring and the medical profession have dashed so many people's hopes during the lockdown.

Everyone that I've spoken to knows someone that has been rejected by the medical profession, the reason given is Covid 19. In the dream George and I were on a train and planetary wise we have the fast forward, full steam ahead with the steam train due to the planetary configuration.

There is no time like the present to take action, to reach out. There is nothing for patients to lose when the medics turn their backs on their patients, although patients have everything to gain if they are willing to try a completely new holistic protocol. We can change the present and George is very present with yours truly. George and Diana have a plan.

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