
Friday 24 April 2020


I shared on-line that I was compelled to go to a hotel for my birthday (12/13th February) for a hot swim, sauna and steam room.

After that I was compelled book a month of sun beds, three weeks were completed prior to the lockdown.  Has we know Trump has regular sun beds and likes to be in the sunshine of hot Florida.

This year I also had a dream of helping Americans and in the dream I was talking to Melania and Trump was listening intently to our conversation.

News today from America, American study the virus dies in SUNLIGHT in just minutes reveals striking study. Sunlight, temperature and humidity all confirmed to be detrimental to the virus.

It is a lovely sunny day today in the UK for gardening and sun bathing, I also plan on having a sauna/steamer.


Jesus called this painting "RAPTURE". 

This morning I was shown a vision of my mobile phone that I only have on for emergencies, last night I thought of switching it off. Then this morning I was shown the mobile phone when I opened my eyes it said, "PLEASE SIGN UP". 

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