
Friday 24 April 2020


Why is Finland doing the best? This video shared with us that Finland has been stockpiling since WW2. It is also probably due to accurate stats and reporting too, there have only been 64 deaths in Finland to date.

Another important aspect is that the video doesn't mention the fact that the Finnish are big on sauna's, often enjoying a sauna daily or at least 2-3 times a week, some have a sauna every day.  A documentary on the Finn's and their sauna culture. The Finns say, "If there is time to fight, there is time for a sauna".

They also have sauna's in their workplaces. Sauna's at home and at work.

In fact, all Scandinavian countries are hot for sauna's. Sweden didn't even go for a lockdown at all.

22 Science backed facts about the health benefits of the sauna.

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