
Saturday 4 April 2020


In March I had a dream with President Trump and I was talking to Melania we discussed that Ivanka was in isolation so I knew that we were discussing  Covid 19. I had been to America helping people.

This video has been uploaded today by Dr Eric Berg and it includes the protocol that President Trump intuitively felt was right. Interesting that I have also been taking Vit D and ZINC, although patients require what the President has also been pursuing. The great thing about the name Donald is that it is the same gematria as "Healer".

My protocol also includes heat treatment therapy. Sauna/steamer and I also had sun beds for three weeks.  We know that President Trump has sun beds, so that is probably why the Covid 19 did not get to him too. Sun beds are heat treatment and viruses don't like the heat. 

I also eat hot spicy food and my Venus in Gemini soup is a SPICY PARSNIP soup. Keep your fluids up, "feed the cold and starve a fever" was the old saying. 

President Trump is a Gemini Sun Sign and so is Boris Johnson. Venus is in Gemini now and that is great for Trump and his communication skills and talents. 

I also have lots of Gemini in my birth chart too and that can be awesome when you have worked in the creative communications industry. I have Jupiter in Gemini plus Gemini in my 6th and 7th houses. Not surprising then that I had a dream about my son in recent days. 

Keep smiling like Shirley Temple, Keep on dancing. 

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