
Saturday 21 March 2020


It is always better to be early, than late. 


A Pisces III water baby was born on my mum's birthday. 
He was born in the week of "Dancers and Dreamers". 

Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. 

I have Mercury in Pisces and we pick up on the subtleties in the atmosphere that often others do not. 

Hence we make great listeners because we can hear what others do not, it is easy for us to pinpoint exactly what the issue is that another person might be experiencing. It is often the case that we just know it without there even being a discussion about it. We are at our absolute best when we listen to our intuition and divine guidance received. It is often the case that people run away from themselves, although they cannot hide in my company. 

If we go against our intuition or divine guidance we soon get a reality check for doing so. Hence, the intuitive grows to comprehend the importance of it in prospering our love lives, careers and health. We appreciate that it is better to be safe than sorry. We can be artistic, creative and musical, we appreciate the arts and are often directed to it during our lives on the planet. 

For the really talented with metaphysical and mystical healing skills that have been nurtured, being a medical intuitive and remote viewer is entirely possible. In fact, it can be a remarkable existence that brings extraordinary health outcomes. 

Mercury is the messenger and I have enjoyed both aspects of the healing work and the divine training that I can highly recommend. Of course with Neptune it can take you into the depths of a person, with Jupiter it can be expansive. 

So for instance I can look into the eyes of a person and I know if they have to go to hospital immediately. I can look at a person's body and see with my eyes if their body is in balance, aligned or have the correct posture. 

I know instantly whether a person is eating the right nutrients just by looking at them. Those that look the most healthy on the outside are not always the people that are the most healthy on the inside. Due to some chronic conditions taking many years to manifest, there is usually a link to what they eat and drink, combined with a life experience that triggered it into action. 

In the last nine months I've been looking in depth into  "cancer". The delivery as been amazing. Being pro-active is the most important, as we know medically that the first 100 days is crucial. 

How people respond to it in the first 100 days can impact upon how their bodies respond to treatment. Miracles are possible if people receive the correct nutrients in their food and supplements. The cancer medical condition can be beaten with the will to do so. 

In my 20s I had what they called pre-cancerous cells and my determination to win was 100%. My priority was my health and it completely changed my view of life and living it. 

The family planning clinic had put an American Copper 7 in my cervix, and the body doesn't like anything metal or alien inside it. At the time I was living away from home, working long hours and so wasn't eating as healthy as I did living with my mother. Although I certainly reverted back to eating the best that I could during the laser treatment. My surgeon is now internationally renowned for his laser work, a Professor and he returned to Ireland to work in a hospital there. 

After he worked at the specialist Women's Cancer hospital in Bristol and prior to that at the Middlesex Hospital in London, (where I was treated) he returned to his homeland. 

Hence, afterwards my son was born a bouncy, healthy double Aquarian baby. I am glad to say that there were no mobile phones or laptops in those days to impact upon the child in the womb or the baby after he was born. Although my son was never interested in water sports. 


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