
Saturday 21 March 2020


I bought a portable sauna/steamer, it arrived today.  It can be used with healing oils. Although you have to know what healing oils you are using.

This video claims that this American doctor, Dr Robert Young, degree in bio-chemistry uses a portable sauna/steamer and recommends it to his patients. It also says that he has written over 70 books and peer reviewed articles, he has written on PH, he's a research scientist that did a degree in nutrition too the video says.

However, there appears to be some dispute over Robert's educational degrees.

However, I cannot ignore the fact that at the beginning of February, Spirit compelled yours truly to book into a hotel with a swimming pool, sauna and steam room for my birthday. So my first sauna and steam room was on the 12th of February and then again on the 13th. 

On the 27th of February, I was then compelled to have a month of UV treatments and sun beds do get hot. 

Last week, I then ordered a portable sauna on WISH for £43.00 plus delivery costs, it was made by FLOWER TREE. I thought it would be ideal for a starter sauna has the prices can vary a lot.

The leaflet with the product that I bought says the following:

"This product does not allow the following people to use, (extreme fatique, fever, acute dehydration, high blood pressure, suppurative ulcer, habitual abortion, and pregnant women").

Why is a portable sauna essential at this time? Have a listen to this video and how people with Sinus issues should have one of these. I don't have sinus issues, although I think it is great for detoxing the body. It improves circulation and it can apparently help stem cells and blood.

Heat therapy can also help people to fight colds, flu's and virus's. Ever eaten a very hot curry when you had a cold? That's what I used to do when I was young, sweat it out with a curry, so there is certainly something in the heat treatment approach. I've never accepted a flu jab and nor would I ever do so.

Now this video is provided by Dr Dan Lee Dimke  the video states that he has a Bsc from the University from the University of the State of New York. Once again, there is various websites disputing his claims. I have to make that clear prior to you listening to this video and of course you can do your own research. I looked for a copy of his book on-line, they didn't have it on Amazon.

So what else do we know about heat treatment? We know that a steam room opens up the mucous membranes around the body. This helps people to breathe more deeply and more easily. Steam rooms break up any congestion in the sinuses and lungs and can be used to help to treat colds and unblock sinuses, aiding breathing. Medical News Today.

Medical Research from Finland. 

Medical research from Finland on patients using a Sauna, finally we can say that the sauna is very important.  Heat treatment is crucial for lung and many other medical conditions.

In Finland, so far there has only been one death of an elderly man with a pre-existing condition. Maybe he was one of the people that didn't use a sauna.

Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review. 

"Sauna bathing is a form of whole-body thermotherapy that has been used in various forms (radiant heat, swear lodges, etc) for thousands of years in many parts of the world for hygiene, health, social and spiritual purposes".

I once worked on a child that had a very high fever, and after he received a Reiki healing treatment, his temperature came right down. When I am giving a Reiki treatment my hands can get very hot. However, we know scientifically that Reiki puts oxygen in the cells.

I also treated a woman with a very serious lung condition, she was living on a breathing machine.

After one treatment her lungs went back to normal. She said that the doctors couldn't believe the lung graphs, so they took them again. It was a miracle and I still have her written testimony. It certainly extended her lifespan.

What do elderly people lack? Oxygen in their cells, which is one of the reasons I recommend that people take Coq10, the older that you are the higher the quantity is required. After the age of 30 the body starts to decrease what it produces naturally to keep the body healthy. Hence, supplementation is essential. I also take Vit D, Marine Collagen and have started taking ZINC.

Another essential is GLYCERINE, as it functions as a carrier for water to reach the cells. I was first given Glycerine by Spirit on the 7th of October 2012, just prior to the winter beginning.



Finally, a neighbour and I managed to put the portable sauna together yesterday, so I had my first sauna and it was wonderful. It felt like being in a hot bath without the water. My body really liked receiving the heat treatment. Hence, it will now be included in a daily routine. My aim is to have a sauna, then shower, then do some inversion prior to breakfast. Although it is very important that you drink water prior to having a sauna and afterwards. 

The chair that came with my sauna was child size so I will give that little chair to my neighbour. Michael gave me his new adult camping chair to use and that was very comfortable to sit in. 

I now have to decide where I shall locate it, this time of year it could go in my bedroom, then in the summer months it could go outside in a temporary shed. The type that I bought is portable, although it isn't the easiest to collapse to move around, my portable sauna really has to be up all of the time in situ and once the hood was on it, it does remain stable and secure. 

So do shop around for a portable sauna that suits your requirements, this is certainly my best buy so far in 2020. It is absolutely ideal for this timeline. It is also a great way to improve your health while our country is on lockdown. 

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