
Monday 16 March 2020


This week Saturn enters my sun sign of Aquarius. I have Venus in Aquarius too, I like fresh flowers very much, so being born in in time for the flower power era was absolutely perfect for yours truly. 

I've enjoyed working with flower essences professionally during my life to help people with their emotions. And the healing oils can be miraculous, healing oils are an essential aspect of my daily life. 

Some of the female members of our family were also florists in London, so lovely to have a connection with the earth. Especially as Venus is in Taurus until the beginning of April, and I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th houses. 

My ancestors included small business people, so it was a natural progression in my life to own my own small creative business. Wisdom more precious than rubies as mentioned in scripture really does exist. 

In this phase of my life supplements have become an essential aspect of my daily life due to the body decreasing what it produces itself for the health of the body. Hence nutrient boosters are essential to live as healthy as I can for my age on the planet. I have monthly therapeutic massage therapy to help my Vagus nerve. At this time my health plan also includes UV treatment and it has certainly helped the health of my body in this timeline of 2020. 

Aries Mars is conjunct Jupiter this week and today while I was reading updates on the virus I was given ROUX and that is butter and flour put into soups etc. Of course you can use different butters to include coconut oil. I like cooking soups and stews especially this time of year because it enables yours truly to include essential nutrients. Hence yesterday I made a beef Irish stew to celebrate St Patricks day. 

Last week I bought a kilo of BARLEY flour and that will be ideal for cooking with different butters to include a ROUX in food. This Aquarian is disciplined on what food I eat and why; to keep my body has healthy as possible. Ultimately, we have responsibility for what we put into our mouths, it is a lifestyle choice to nurture your bodies and give your body tenderness.  

I view Saturn as the teacher, so what will you learn this week about yourselves? What are you being taught about your comfort zones, what are being taught about what you take for granted in your life? 

Aquarians tend to go with the flow at home so self-isolation is not an issue for Aquarians, we don't mind being reclusive being in our own peaceful energy. Of course being an introvert-extrovert helps, we always have different strings to our bow. That can be therapeutic cooking, painting, food growing, sewing, crochet, writing, being creative, listening to music, reading, we always have hobbies and we like peaceful activities and our own space to just be. I can always find plenty to do. 

This is a picture of a patchwork bedspread that I worked on for nearly two years in the 70s, every stitch by hand. The patience of a saint. Proverbs 31. 

Spiritually and emotionally mature Aquarians tend to work with the energies rather than against the prevailing energies. We learn young that it is better to be safe than sorry. We learn young that it is better to be in harmony and have a balance with yourself and your own energies rather than work against yourself and your bodies. So let's get it together for the next phase of humanity, life doesn't have to be difficult unless you make it so. 

A lot depends on how you view life and what your perspective of it is. So for instance I can be contented with very little, perhaps that's because working class children that were born in the 1950s in London didn't have much and whatever we received was gratefully received. 

Life was very different in those days, we rarely asked our parents for anything. As we were aware how hard they were working to provide for us and we were sensitive to their requirements from us. Hence I do my utmost to concentrate on essentials in life and what is essential for life to prosper. 

In those days there was often only 10-12 children in a class so children received a huge amount of attention from their teachers. Education was at its best when I was at school, it was traditional, it was loyal and faithful to our culture and heritage. Our teachers were excellent and they were allowed to be creative in their delivery of the curriculum. I think teachers had far more freedom in the flower power age to be creative. 

Our creative choices included cooking, dressmaking, woodworking, metal making, drama, music and art. The individuality and creative talent of children was nurtured and I don't remember any social engineering into academia like we see today by the corporations and governments. 

I think we were far happier children as we didn't have any academic pressure put upon us, we were allowed to be children. A happy childhood is so important for the overall stability and strength of a person in adulthood. A strong mind and heart has to be nurtured, free Spirits have to be nurtured not moddle coddled. We weren't moddle coddled in the 50s, our independence was allowed to flourish in freedom. 

Cam begins his video about this week by talking about the rising 'fear' on the planet, when in fact if you are taking appropriate precautionary action for your health why should any of you be in any 'fear'? Remember what Jesus said, "Never be afraid" and "Do not worry", he spoke of how you can't add a single day to your life by worrying about anything at all. 

The spiritual community that have engaged in their self-development, healing and have done their homework are pretty dauntless in the face of any adversity and nothing really phases an Aquarian. 

We tend to be critical of small things in the workplace e.g. my computer keeps on crashing right in the middle of me writing something important and I find technology irritating. Otherwise as cool as a cucumber when big and important things happen in the lives of others. 

For instance if someone else is in a crisis one of the best people to have around is an Aquarian as we tend to be clear headed and think clearly about every situation.  Though be aware that blunt truth can be difficult sometimes for others to accept and it can trigger people if for some reason they're not ready to hear what is being shared. Hence another motto is that it is better to be early than late and my mother was definitely early, when she introduced me to the healing community in London when I was a child. 

Another small critical aspect implemented can be when the children were eating sweets as snacks and I was quick to point out in 2019, that what they were eating as snacks wasn't healthy for them. Sweets are not snacks in my book. Cream cheese on ryvita with a boiled egg is a snack in my reality and we often went to school after having a boiled egg for breakfast. In the wintertime we would have porridge, we didn't eat a massive amount of cereals in the 50s like children do today. 

It always amazes me when I look at menu's of people who think they're eating what is healthy for them, when in fact, it is often the case that people are not tailoring their menus to suit their health conditions and different systems in the body. 

Every person with a health case can make important improvements to their health if they would just embrace that they have to learn about what they're putting into their mouths on a daily basis. 

Especially if they have a chronic condition, you really can help your bodies with nutrition, you really can turn your lives around. Hence that has really been this Aquarians focus. 

So in a crisis be calm and collected like the Saturn in Aquarius for where there is a will there is always a way forward. True love always finds the way eventually, and what you teach children that is healthy for them, they will always remember it. 

We have the Spring Equinox this week in Aries and a New Moon in Aries too, so a passionate week indeed and as Cam says it is likely to be an intense week planetary wise, so how will you respond to it? Study yourself and so much is revealed and it can be incredibly positive for you. That is the very basic teachings of those known as the Essenes who were healers and spiritual psychologists. 

The Saturn cycle for Aquarians is a cycle of responsibilities and the Jupiter cycle is about expansion. Those responsibilities are felt as a social obligation to help others due to what I know to be true about health and healing. With the Jupiter cycle it included altruistic moves that were deliberate in helping others that have required specific help. In my personal life I emerged from a cocoon in 2019 and people have certainly noticed the difference I have made to my life and the lives of others. 

Now with the Spring Equinox and the Aries New Moon the energies are calling for yours truly to expand my cash flow. From now and over the next 12 months. This energy will then continue in my life through to 24th January 2022. My dad was an Aries, he did like cash and he didn't like credit, it is the anniversary of his birthday on the Equinox. 

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