
Monday 16 March 2020


I never really embraced what is known as "Psychic Surgery", even though it was included in my Reiki Master training course with my RM, Peter Warnock.

It wasn't until I did experience it for myself in 2012, (I had been an RM for twelve years by then) while working with one of my Reiki practitioners on a patient that was chronically ill.

The woman was being continually operated upon prior to the treatments that we gave her. At the time I was told that we had extended her life by seven years.

What came out of the patient was forced out of her by the power of the energy that was going into her. What was destroying her body at that time wasn't allowed to remain inside of her.

What came out of her was "sharks", that is how the energy manifested and they went straight for me, so much so I felt physically sick. I had to leave the healing room, go outside to get some fresh air and have a glass of water. I then gave myself what we call a Reiki wash down energetically prior to resuming and finishing the Reiki treatment.

I still don't like the term "Psychic Surgery:" as I don't think that really is the correct terminology for what happened because I wasn't operating on her like some "Psychic Surgeons" say that they do.

I prefer the term "Surgical Spirit", because when the energy is that clinical and that pure, miracles can and do surely happen.

So how do we know that Jesus was involved in such therapeutic energetic actions hands on?

Scripture proves it due to his work on Magdalene. He also said that when two or three of us healers were together gathered in his name, there he would be. Amazing things have happened during healing treatments, people have even felt more than one pair of hands working on them, sometimes multiple pairs of hands. Some people have felt acupuncture needles going in too. It is the most awesome therapy on the Sacred Path.

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