
Tuesday 24 March 2020


While painting after midnight, clairaudiently I received the word "RAPTURE" for the painting.


The word rapture derives from the Latin word "raptus" and it can mean a "carrying off". Then this morning I had a Jesus dream and in it I was carrying a young English girl to a safer and more comfortable place. She was carried from a sink to a bed. 

Jesus Dream 

Some American Christians believe that Christians will be taken up from the earth into the air, to meet the Lord in the air, there are three air signs. This Aquarian carried the young girl in the dream.

So let us look at the Psalms. "Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd also, and carry them forever". Psalm 28:9

I liked what the Russians said "The coronavirus doesn't invade Russia, Russia invades the coronavirus", that's the Christian Spirit that we like to see in action. Very glad to see that the Russians stepped into help the Italians when the EU didn't.


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