
Saturday 14 March 2020


On the 6th of March, 2020 I had a dream of being in a large department store and I was more interested in safety than the expensive wristwatch that I was being bought.

Last night I posted that I think we could see lay-offs in the entertainment and leisure industry. Most of their staff being on zero-hour contracts and a lot of people depend on overtime to make ends meet.

Boris Johnson says that the virus will spread for a few months and the government are advising against public gatherings. So what we are talking about his temporary closures in March, April and May. Personally, I am not meeting up with anyone that didn't take precautions, I'm not meeting up with anyone that has travelled this year for the foreseeable future. I shall review the situation again at the end of April.

Especially those that have put their own lives and the lives of others in jeopardy since Christmas by travelling abroad.  While I was divinely guided to stay at home. Rarely, do people take divine counsel on board because rarely do people actually share the testimony of warning. Isaiah 8.

In the news today, the headline is "Hotel, Cafe and Bar jobs could be gone by May". Restaurants are announcing temporary closures and the high street stores in London are bare of tourists and customers. People are not pouring into department stores, people are putting safety first.

However, I spoke to our local health food shop yesterday and they said that they haven't stopped serving in the last week. So the health food/supplement industry is definitely getting a huge booster.

A majority of my expenditure in recent weeks as also been on health foods and supplements to protect and defend my body. I'm stocked up just in case there is any difficulty in getting supplies.

I've even bought a new duvet and new white cotton sheets. Although I bought it on-line.

One of my mottos is it is better to be safe than sorry, another motto is it is better to be early than late.

Our healers have been early for decades and we are fortunate to have millions of healers spread across the planet.

I've been ringing around in recent weeks and texting to make sure people who are closest to me have what they require. Of course I only ring and text those that have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to understand. If a person emails me asking for help than of course I do offer help to those that ask for it. Ask and you shall be given, knock and the door shall open for you.

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