
Saturday 14 March 2020

COVID19 Was It Written In The Stars?

Patrick Arundell, a British Astrologer takes an in-depth of look at the planetary configurations since last summer up to now. He says he aims to put the record straight due to what some other people are saying about it. Some sanity from Patrick during this weekend of the St Patrick celebration.

It is a very interesting video if you have the time to watch especially its indications to do with travel and health. During the video he mentions a French friend that helps wealthy people and Patrick asked him if his clients ask about their health and his French friend responded, that his wealthy clients don't ask about their health, they only ask about money.

Everyone has to change their behaviour to improve the situation and life on the planet. Whilst sharing this video I don't agree with everything that Patrick says, for instance I don't agree with him on his mention of the "Extinction Rebellion" due to the globalists being behind it and involved in financing it. The same globalists that are determined to control humanity, so be aware that it is a battle of wills as we know from ancient prophecy that the globalists won't win ultimately.

There is optimism in his view of it, that you might like to hear and see.

In this video a Norwegian shares that things have changed dramatically in the last two days in Norway. He says he self-isolates anyway, for him it is a way of life. Norwegians are saying that it will peak early summer. I agree with him that property will come down in price, I've written that already.

He asks us to support our local services, farms and shops, to help to keep them going. Our countries dependence on China for essentials also has to stop. Our countries have to be independent and be able to provide for our people in our countries. I certainly agree with him on that.

Spain has now announced a state of emergency in Spain today.

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