
Monday 24 February 2020


This lady in the west of Ireland has got it sussed. Well worth having a look at her land and how the water flows to where it is meant to flow. It makes sense to plant protection either side of the ditches so that the ditches don't get filled with mud otherwise it stops the flow of the water going where it is meant to flow.

I spoke to a friend today that lives high up on a hill of farmland and she spoke of how the water had congregated on a flat space and how she'd never seen so much rain and mud before. As we know it is the most rain for 200 years. 

The latest on my food growing, I checked the courgette seeds in my healing room today. They're now 2 inch seedlings, so they're growing great. They only went into soil on the 19th of February and they've already grown two inches. It has certainly helped the seed growing having the central heating on in that room this year. 

It doesn't look like there is going to be any improvement in the weather until after March. The weathermen are talking about a polar vortex. "Snow and violent winds" they say. 

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